李宗盛 - 山丘 - Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 李宗盛 - 山丘 - Live

山丘 - Live
Mountain Hill - Live
想說卻還沒說的 還很多
There are so many things that I've yet to say
The reason why I'm holding back is that I want to write a song
讓人輕輕地唱著 淡淡地記著
That people could sing with ease and remember fondly
就算終於忘了 也值了
Even if I end up forgetting it, it'll still be worth it
Maybe all of my thoughts and feelings
Will be lucky enough to merge into a river someday
Then, you and I will stand on opposite ends
望著大河彎彎 終於敢放膽
Gazing at the winding river, finally daring to let go
嘻皮笑臉面對 人生的難
We'll face the hardships of life with a smile
Maybe we never grew up
還沒等曉得 就快要老了
Before we knew it, we were already getting old
Although, in our hearts, we're still those young boys
Due to our unease, we kept looking back
無知地索求 羞恥於求救
Ignorantly longing, ashamed to ask for help
不知疲倦地翻越 每一個山丘
We tirelessly scaled every mountain hill
越過山丘 雖然已白了頭
After crossing the hill, although our hair had turned white
喋喋不休 時不我予的哀愁
We kept complaining about the shortness of time
We hadn't yet achieved immortality
But we had already lost ourselves
越過山丘 才發現無人等候
After crossing the hill, we realized that no one was waiting
喋喋不休 再也喚不回溫柔
Our endless chatter could no longer bring back your tenderness
為何記不得 上一次 是誰給的擁抱
Why can't I remember when the last time was that you hugged me?
Or when it happened?
我沒有刻意隱藏 也無意讓你感傷
I didn't mean to hide it from you, nor did I want to make you sad
How many times have we gotten drunk together?
咒罵人生太短 唏噓相見恨晚
Saying that life was too short, and sighing that we had met too late
讓女人把妝哭花了 也不管
Letting women ruin their makeup while we watched, unfazed
How I regret that we never matured
沒能曉得 就已經老了
We didn't realize it until we were already old
Yet we still don't understand, despite our best efforts
The young people around us
We make excuses for ourselves
向情愛的挑逗 命運的左右
To love's temptations and destiny's control
不自量力地還手 直至死方休
We fight back with all our might, until death finally releases us
越過山丘 雖然已白了頭
After crossing the hill, although our hair had turned white
喋喋不休 時不我予的哀愁
We kept complaining about the shortness of time
We hadn't yet achieved immortality
But we had already lost ourselves
越過山丘 才發現無人等候
After crossing the hill, we realized that no one was waiting
喋喋不休 再也喚不回溫柔
Our endless chatter could no longer bring back your tenderness
為何記不得 上一次 是誰給的擁抱
Why can't I remember when the last time was that you hugged me?
Or when it happened?
越過山丘 雖然已白了頭
After crossing the hill, although our hair had turned white
喋喋不休 時不我予的哀愁
We kept complaining about the shortness of time
We hadn't yet achieved immortality
But we had already lost ourselves
越過山丘 才發現無人等候
After crossing the hill, we realized that no one was waiting
喋喋不休 再也喚不回了溫柔
Our endless chatter could no longer bring back your tenderness
為何記不得 上一次 是誰給的擁抱
Why can't I remember when the last time was that you hugged me?
Or when it happened?
喋喋不休 時不我予的哀愁
We kept complaining about the shortness of time
向情愛的挑逗 命運的左右
To love's temptations and destiny's control
不自量力地還手 直至死方休
We fight back with all our might, until death finally releases us
為何記不得 上一次是誰給的擁抱
Why can't I remember when the last time was that you hugged me?
Or when it happened?

Writer(s): Zong Sheng Li

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