Nao Matsuzaki - 風になる - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais Nao Matsuzaki - 風になる

Become the Wind
閉上眼睛 取回曾經忘記的戀曲
Close my eyes, retrieve the love song I once forgot
忘(わす)れていた目(め)を閉(と)じて 取(と)り戻(もど)せ恋(こい)のうた
Wasure te ita me o toji te tori modose koi no uta
Wasure te ita me o toji te tori modose koi no uta
I close my eyes and retrieve the forgotten love song
隱藏在晴空 展開手臂 再一次
Hidden in the blue sky, reach out your arms, one more time
青空(あおぞら)に隠(かく)れている 手(て)を伸(の)ばしてもう一度(いちど)
Aozora ni kakure te iru te o nobashi te mou ichido
Aozora ni kakure te iru te o nobashi te mou ichido
Hidden in the blue sky, I reach out my hand once more
不要忘記 就在身邊 有我在 不論哪一天
Don't forget, I'm right beside you, always
忘(わす)れないですぐそばに 僕(ぼく)がいるいつの日(ひ)も
Wasurenai de sugu soba ni boku ga iru itsuno hi mo
Wasurenai de sugu soba ni boku ga iru itsuno hi mo
Don’t forget, I’m right here, always by your side.
眺望著星空 即使只有一個人的凌晨
Looking at the starry sky, even at dawn when I'm alone
星空(ほしぞら)を眺(なが)めている 一(ひとり)人きりの夜(よ)明(あ)けも
Hoshizora o nagame te iru hitori kiri no yoake mo
Hoshizora o nagame te iru hitori kiri no yoake mo
As I gaze up at the starry sky, even at dawn when I am alone,
唯有一個的心靈 不要把它沉浸在憂傷中
This one and only heart, don't let it drown in sadness
たった一(ひと)つの心(こころ) 悲(かな)しみに暮(く)れないで
Tatte hitotsu no kokoro kanashimi ni kure nai de
Tatte hitotsu no kokoro kanashimi ni kure nai de
This one and only heart, don’t let it drown in sadness,
你的嘆息 我會讓它變作春風
Your sighs, I'll turn them into spring breeze
君(きみ)のためいきなんて 春風(はるかぜ)に変(か)えてやる
Kimi no tame iki nante haru kaze ni kae te yaru
Kimi no tame iki nante haru kaze ni kae te yaru
I’ll turn your sighs into a spring breeze.
灑滿陽光的坡路 騎著自行車沖上去
The sun-drenched slope, ride my bicycle up
陽(ひ)のあたる坂道(さかみち)を 自転車(じてんしゃ)で駆(か)けのぼる
Hi no ataru saka michi o jitensha de kake noboru
Hi no ataru saka michi o jitensha de kake noboru
I ride my bike up the sun-drenched slope,
Carrying the lost memories with you
Kimi to naku shita omoide nose te yuku yo
Kimi to naku shita omoide nose te yuku yo
Carrying the memories we lost along the way.
啦啦啦啦 哼起歌謠 嘴唇漸變紅潤
La la la la, hum a song, lips gradually become rosy
ラララララ 口(くち)ずさむ くちびるを染(そ)めて行(ゆ)く
LALALALALA kuchi zusamu kuchibiru o some te yuku
LALALALALA kuchi zusamu kuchibiru o some te yuku
La la la la, I hum a song, my lips gradually turning rosy,
就像與你發現的 幸福之花一樣
Just like the flower of happiness we found together
Kimi to mitsuke ta shiawase hana no youni
Kimi to mitsuke ta shiawase hana no youni
Just like the flower of happiness that we found.
敞開窗口 讓曾經忘記的戀曲奔放而出
Open the window, let the forgotten love song run free
忘(わす)れていた窓開(まどあ)けて 走(はし)り出(だ)せ恋(こい)のうた
Wasure te ita mado akete hashiri dase koi no uta
Wasure te ita mado akete hashiri dase koi no uta
I open the window, letting the forgotten love song run free.
托付給晴空 扎起雙手 再一次
Entrust to the blue sky, raise my hands, one more time
青空(あおぞら)に託(たく)している 手(て)をかざしてもう一度(いちど)
Aozora ni taku shite iru te o gaza shite mou ichido
Aozora ni taku shite iru te o gaza shite mou ichido
I entrust it to the blue sky, raise my hands, once more.
不會忘記 就在身邊 有你在 不論哪一天
Won't forget, you're right beside me, always
忘(わす)れないよすぐそばに 君(きみ)がいるいつの日(ひ)も
Wasure nai yo sugu soba ni kimi ga iru itsu no hi mo
Wasure nai yo sugu soba ni kimi ga iru itsu no hi mo
I won’t forget, you are right here, always by my side.
星空閃耀著 即使淚水轉動的明天
The starry sky shines, even tomorrow when tears roll
星空(ほしぞら)に輝(かがや)いてる 涙揺(なみだゆ)れる明日(あした)も
Hoshizora ni kaga yai te iru namida yureru ashita mo
Hoshizora ni kaga yai te iru namida yureru ashita mo
The starry sky shines, even tomorrow, as tears well up.
只有這唯一的話語 抱緊在胸中
Only this one word, hold it tight in my heart
たった一(ひと)つの言葉(ことば) この胸(むね)に抱(だ)きしめて
Tatta hitotsu no kotoba kono mune ni daki shimete
Tatta hitotsu no kotoba kono mune ni daki shimete
Just this one word, I hold it tight in my heart.
因為你 我現在 在被春風吹拂
Because of you, I'm now being blown by the spring wind
君(きみ)のため僕(ぼく)は今(いま) 春風(はるかぜ)に吹(ふ)かれてる
Kimi no tame boku wa ima haru kaze ni fukare teru
Kimi no tame boku wa ima haru kaze ni fukare teru
Because of you, I am now being blown by the spring wind.
灑滿陽光的坡路 騎著自行車沖上去
The sun-drenched slope, ride my bicycle up
陽(ひ)のあたる坂道(さかみち)を 自転車(じてんしゃ)で駆(か)けのぼる
Hi no ataru saka michi o jitensha de kake noboru
Hi no ataru saka michi o jitensha de kake noboru
I ride my bike up the sun-drenched slope,
Carrying the vows we made with you
Kimi to chikatta yakusoku nose te yuku yo
Kimi to chikatta yakusoku nose te yuku yo
Carrying the vows we made together.
啦啦啦啦 哼起歌謠 嘴唇漸變紅潤
La la la la, hum a song, lips gradually become rosy
ラララララ 口(くち)ずさむ くちびるを染(そ)めて行(ゆ)く
LALALALALA kuchi zusamu kuchibiru o some te yuku
LALALALALA kuchi zusamu kuchibiru o some te yuku
La la la la, I hum a song, my lips gradually turning rosy,
As if praying for the happiness of meeting you
Kimi to de a e ta shiawase inoru youni
Kimi to de a e ta shiawase inoru youni
As if praying for the happiness of our encounter.
灑滿陽光的坡路 騎著自行車沖上去
The sun-drenched slope, ride my bicycle up
陽のあたる坂道を 自転車で駆けのぼる
Hi no ataru saka michi o jitensha de kake noboru
Hi no ataru saka michi o jitensha de kake noboru
I ride my bike up the sun-drenched slope,
Carrying the vows we made with you
Kimi to chikatta yakusoku nose te yuku yo
Kimi to chikatta yakusoku nose te yuku yo
Carrying the vows we made together.
啦啦啦啦 哼起歌謠 嘴唇漸變紅潤
La la la la, hum a song, lips gradually become rosy
ラララララ 口ずさむ くちびるを染めて行く
LALALALALA kuchizusamu kuchibiru o some te yuku
LALALALALA kuchizusamu kuchibiru o some te yuku
La la la la, I hum a song, my lips gradually turning rosy,
As if praying for the happiness of meeting you
Kimi yo deaeta shiawase inoru youni
Kimi yo deaeta shiawase inoru youni
As if praying for the happiness of our encounter.
As if praying for the happiness of meeting you
Kimi to de a e ta shiawase inoru youni
Kimi yo deaeta shiawase inoru youni
As if praying for the happiness of our encounter.

Writer(s): Nao Matsuzaki

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