松浦亜弥 - 渡良瀬橋 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 松浦亜弥 - 渡良瀬橋

Watarase Bridge
渡良瀬橋で見る夕日を あなたはとても好きだったわ
The sunset I saw with you from Watarase Bridge was a favorite memory of yours.
きれいなとこで育ったね ここに住みたいと言った
This was such a beautiful place, you told me you wanted to live here.
電車にゆられこの町まで あなたは会いに来てくれたわ
You would ride the train to visit me in this town.
私は今もあの頃を 忘れられず生きてます
Even today, I live my life lost in the memories of those days.
今でも 八雲神社へお参りすると あなたのこと祈るわ
Even today, when I go to pay my respects at Yakumo Shrine, I pray for you.
願い事一つ叶うなら あの頃に戻りたい
If I could have a single wish granted, I would want to go back to those days.
床屋の角にポツンとある 公衆電話おぼえてますか
Do you remember the public telephone booth standing alone on the corner by the barber shop?
きのう思わずかけたくて なんども受話器とったの
Yesterday, I could not resist calling, I picked up the phone so many times.
この間 渡良瀬川の河原に降りて ずっと流れ見てたわ
Some time ago, I visited the banks of the Watarase River, and spent my time watching the current.
北風がとても冷たくて 風邪をひいちゃいました
The north wind was so cold, I caught a cold.
誰のせいでもない あなたがこの街で
You not being here is no one's fault.
You couldn't live in this town, and I knew that.
なんども悩んだわ だけど私ここを
I was torn with indecision, but I couldn't bring myself to
leave this place and live somewhere else.
The townscape you told me you loved
is going to sleep again today.
広い空と遠くの山々 二人で歩いた街
The wide sky and the distant mountains, the town we walked through together,
the town with the beautiful sunset.

Writer(s): 森髙 千里, 斉藤 英夫, 森? 千里, 斉藤 英夫

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