林子祥 - 街頭霸王榜 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 林子祥 - 街頭霸王榜

Street Fighter Ranking
空即是色 色即是空 空即是色即是色即是空
Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, form is emptiness is form is emptiness
空即是色 色即是空 空即是色即是色即是空
Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, form is emptiness is form is emptiness
皇后大道西又皇后大道东 皇后大道东转皇后大道中
Queen's Road West and Queen's Road East, Queen's Road East turns into Queen's Road Central
皇后大道东上为何无皇宫 皇后大道中人民如潮涌
Why is there no palace on Queen's Road East? The people on Queen's Road Central are surging like a tide
空即是色 色即是空 空即是色即是色即是空
Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, form is emptiness is form is emptiness
<<Queen's Road East>>
特别的爱给特别的你 我的寂寞逃不过你眼睛
Special love for special you, my loneliness can't escape your eyes
特别的爱给特别的你 你让我越来越不相信自己
Special love for special you, you make me believe in myself less and less
<<Special love for special you>>
每过一天每一天这醉者 便爱你多些再多些至满泻
Every day this drunken man loves you more, more and more until it overflows
我发觉我最爱与你编写 以后明天的深夜
I find that I love to write with you Oh, in the late nights of tomorrow
而每过一天每一天这情深者 便爱你多些然后再多一些
And every day, this passionate man loves you more, then more and more
我最爱你与我这生一起 哪惧明天风高路斜
I love you the most to be with me in this life Oh, no fear of the wind and the steep road tomorrow
<<Love you more each day>>
很远的地方有个女郎 名字叫做耶利亚
There is a girl in a faraway place named Ye Liya
有人在传说她的眼睛 看了使你更年轻
Some people say that her eyes will make you younger
耶利亚 神秘耶利亚 耶利耶利亚
Ye Liya, Mysterious Ye Liya, Ye Li Ye Li Ya
耶利亚 神秘耶利亚 我一定要找到她
Ye Liya, Mysterious Ye Liya, I must find her
<<Ye Liya Girl>>
Because I love U 求可一生一起
Because I love U, I beg to be together for a lifetime
能与你上路 是多么美
How beautiful it is to be on the road with you
Because I love U 雷雨也担得起
Because I love U, I can bear even thunder and rain
And this love will last forever
《Because I love U》
<<Because I love U>>
没有去爱过怎知她美 没有你爱我问怎可脱俗
Without loving, how can you know her beauty, Without you loving me, how can you ask to be extraordinary
No matter if the world does not forgive me
<<Continue tomorrow>>
反反复复仿佛的梦 多多少少揣测的情
Recurring dreams, more or less speculative feelings
不相信好梦 我却信爱情 能点起我生命
I don't believe in good dreams, but I believe in love, which can ignite my life
<<Half asleep>>
是否我真的一无所有 心中怨恨难道要继续不断逃
Am I truly destitute? Must the resentment in my heart continue to flee?
是否我真的一无所有 不知那日才能够拥得所有
Am I truly destitute? When will I be able to have it all?
<<Having nothing>>
一生何求 谁判决放弃与拥有
What to ask for in life? Who decides to give up and possess?
耗尽我这一生 触不到已跑开
Exhausted my whole life, I can't touch it, it has already run away
一生何求 迷惘里永远看不透
What to ask for in life? I can never see through the confusion
没料到我所失的 经已是我的所有
I didn't expect that what I lost is already all I have
<<What to ask for in life>>
OH OHOH《相逢在雨中》
OH OHOH <<Meeting in the Rain>>
Oh Yeah Oh Yeah Oh Yeah《OH夜》
Oh Yeah Oh Yeah Oh Yeah <<OH Night>>
再会了让我哭 哭你我坚持仍然未能成事
Goodbye, let me cry, cry, you and I insist but still can't succeed
Goodbye, let me hurt a thousand times
你知道我在等你吗 你如果真的在乎我
Do you know I'm waiting for you, if you really care about me
How can you let the hand holding the flower tremble in the wind
<<Do you know I'm waiting for you?>>
今夜你会不会来 你的爱还在不在
Will you come tonight, is your love still there?
假使失去你 谁要未来 谁愿芳心离开
If I lose you, who wants the future, who wants a loving heart to leave
<<Will you come tonight?>>
狂抱拥不需休息的吻 不需呼吸空气
Wild embrace, no need to rest kiss, no need to breathe air
No need for the audience on the street to stay away
微雨中身边车辆飞过 街里路人走过
Light rain, vehicles passing by, pedestrians walking by on the street
交通灯催促过 剩下独是我跟巨
Traffic lights urging to pass, only I and the giant are left
<<Dare to love, dare to do>>
做个好汉子 热血热肠热 热胜红日光
Be a good man, warm-blooded, enthusiastic, hotter than the red sun
<<A man should strengthen himself>>
空即是色 色即是空 空即是色即是色即是空
Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, form is emptiness is form is emptiness
空即是色 色即是空 空即是色即是色即是空
Form is emptiness, emptiness is form, form is emptiness is form is emptiness
知己一声拜拜远去这都市 要靠伟大同志搞搞新意思
A close friend says goodbye and leaves this city, we need great comrades to come up with new ideas
会有铁路城巴也会有的士 但是路线可能要问问何事
There will be railways, city buses, and taxis, but you may have to ask what's going on with the routes
皇后大道西又皇后大道东 皇后大道东转皇后大道中
Queen's Road West and Queen's Road East, Queen's Road East turns into Queen's Road Central
皇后大道东上为何无皇宫 皇后大道中人民如潮涌
Why is there no palace on Queen's Road East? The people on Queen's Road Central are surging like a tide
<<Queen's Road East>>
来日纵使千千阙歌 飘于远方我路上
Even if there are thousands of songs tomorrow, floating on my way in the distance
来日纵使千千晚星 亮过今晚月亮
Even if there are thousands of stars tomorrow night, brighter than the moon tonight
都比不过这宵美丽 亦不可使我更欣赏
It's not as beautiful as tonight, and it can't make me appreciate it more
Ah, because you sing with me tonight
<<Thousands of songs>>
I've fallen in this high and low, winding road
Only then did I realize that being happy and simple is the best
最美丽仍然是爱 带泪尝仍然是好
The most beautiful thing is still love, tasting it with tears is still good
Not afraid of the twists and turns of life, stay with you till old age
<<With love>>
甜蜜地与爱人风里飞奔 高声欢呼你有情不枉这生
Running in the wind sweetly with your lover, cheering loudly that you have love, this life is not in vain
一声你愿意 一声我愿意 惊天爱再没有遗憾
You say you are willing, I say I am willing, shocking love, no more regrets
<<It's rare to have a lover>>
寻一分钟的恋爱 而一分钟可找到什么
Looking for a minute of love, what can you find in a minute?
谈一分钟的天气 而一分钟可讲到什么
Talking about the weather for a minute, what can you talk about in a minute?
<<One Minute City, One Minute Love>>
爱上一个不回家的人 等待一扇不开启的门
Falling in love with someone who doesn't go home, waiting for a door that doesn't open
善变的眼神紧闭的双唇 何必去苦苦强求苦苦追问
Fickle eyes, tightly closed lips, why bother to ask for it, why bother to ask
<<Falling in love with someone who doesn't go home>>
同是天涯沦落人 在这伤心者通道上同行
We are all wanderers at the end of the world, walking together on this sad path
也许不必知道我是谁 无谓令你令你令你令你又再又再考虑
Maybe you don't need to know who I am, don't make you, you, you, you think again and again
同是天涯沦落人 相逢何必曾相识 也许不必知道我是谁
We are all wanderers at the end of the world, why do we need to know each other when we meet, maybe you don't need to know who I am
无谓令你令你令你又令我令我令我 哂气
Don't make you, you, you, and make me, me, me, sigh
<<Why do we need to know each other when we meet?>>
世事多变岂可尽如人愿 我一切决定都系无乜意义
The world is unpredictable, how can it be as one wishes, all my decisions are meaningless
我拍着心口不可再失败 老虎都要得要得要得得得得一定得
I can't fail again, the tiger must, must, must, must, must win
<<The world is unpredictable>>
<<Desire Beast Street>>
真心爱心信心决心 再加些温馨笑声创造阳光
Sincerity, Love, Confidence, Determination, Plus Some Warm Laughter to Create Sunshine
来吧笑吧灵魂共舞吧 热情创造灿烂阳光
Come on, laugh, let your soul dance, passion creates brilliant sunshine
长夜暗夜全换景况 抬头尽是美丽灿烂阳光
Long nights, dark nights, all changed, looking up, it's all beautiful and brilliant sunshine
<<The Sunshine in My Heart>>
皇后大道西又皇后大道东 皇后大道东转皇后大道中
Queen's Road West and Queen's Road East, Queen's Road East turns into Queen's Road Central
皇后大道东上为何无皇宫 皇后大道中人民如潮涌
Why is there no palace on Queen's Road East? The people on Queen's Road Central are surging like a tide
<<Queen's Road East>>
情如暗里三只蚊 夜静之中半夜三更
Love is like three mosquitoes in the dark, in the dead of night, in the middle of the night
默令我的心脉亦没法可安枕 你给我热吻
Silently make my pulse unable to rest, you give me a passionate kiss
<<A mosquito>>
象你这般深爱他 心里只得一个他
You love him so deeply, there is only him in your heart
他偏却太傲气 见面也不多说话
He is too arrogant, he doesn't talk much when you meet him
要坦率分析 为何没法得到他 心里长留下旧创疤
To be frank, why can't you get him, there are old scars in your heart
<<Lost love>>
你话唔俾面 他话唔赏面 似为名节做奴隶
You say you don't give face, he says you don't appreciate it, it's like being a slave to fame
你都咪话唔俾面 咪话唔赏面 似用人脸造钱币
You also don't give face, don't appreciate it, it's like using human faces as currency
<<Giving face confrontation>>
火烫火烫火烫的心窝 不理不理不理如何
Hot hot hot heart, no matter no matter how
今晚今晚今晚再高歌 全人类尽举起手拍和
Tonight tonight tonight sing again, all mankind raise your hands and clap
<<All mankind sing>>
WOO 同张国荣 WOO 脑交战
WOO with Leslie Cheung WOO Brain Battle
踏着脚在怀念昨天的你 夜是渗着前事全挥不去
Stepping on my feet, I miss you yesterday, the night is permeated with past events that I can't get rid of
若是你在明日能得一见 就让我在怀里重得温暖
If I can see you tomorrow, let me regain warmth in my arms
这个漂亮朋友道别亦漂亮 夜夜TV萤幕继续旧形象
This beautiful friend bids farewell beautifully, the TV screen continues the old image night after night
到了那日同庆个个要鼓掌 硬币上那尊容变烈士铜像
When that day comes, everyone will applaud, the face on the coin will become a bronze statue of a martyr
知己一声拜拜远去这都市 要靠伟大同志搞搞新意思
A close friend says goodbye and leaves this city, we need great comrades to come up with new ideas
会有铁路城巴也会有的士 但是路线可能要问问何事
There will be railways, city buses, and taxis, but you may have to ask what's going on with the routes
皇后大道西又皇后大道东 皇后大道东转皇后大道中
Queen's Road West and Queen's Road East, Queen's Road East turns into Queen's Road Central
皇后大道东上为何无皇宫 皇后大道中人民如潮涌
Why is there no palace on Queen's Road East? The people on Queen's Road Central are surging like a tide
皇后大道西又皇后大道东 皇后大道东转皇后大道中
Queen's Road West and Queen's Road East, Queen's Road East turns into Queen's Road Central
皇后大道东上为何无皇宫 皇后大道中人民如潮涌
Why is there no palace on Queen's Road East? The people on Queen's Road Central are surging like a tide
<<Queen's Road East>>

Writer(s): Various

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