林家謙 - 夏之風物詩 - SUMMER BLUES Live - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 林家謙 - 夏之風物詩 - SUMMER BLUES Live

夏之風物詩 - SUMMER BLUES Live
Summer Blues Live
喝一口冰水就自在 再不必囉嗦
Just a sip of cold water is blissful, no more need to fuss
戴一頂草帽烈日下 唱喜歡的歌
Under a straw hat in the scorching sun, I sing my favorite song
吃一口西瓜就活着 踢開小風波
A bite of watermelon keeps me going, kicking away the worries
快好好呼吸為仲夏 擦出小花火
Let's breathe deeply for this midsummer, igniting the little spark
期待每步也是祭典 遺憾事隨便留在背面
Let every step be a festival, leaving regrets behind
Carefreely embracing the summer flame
忘掉困惑以及缺失 流着汗療癒原是禮物
Forgetting confusion and loss, sweating is a healing gift
Strolling on the beach, circling around, it's addictive
捉緊小小快樂 雪糕杯有一種美學
Grasping tiny joys, an ice cream cup holds a kind of beauty
走出漆黑角落 聽沙粒說一種哲學 記得
Stepping out of the dark corners, listening to the sand whispering a philosophy, remember
一身輕巧快樂 dadida 算一種配樂
Light and happy with a melody, dadida
Toss away the complex math
笑一笑 敞開心 抱住 感覺
Smile, open your heart, embrace the feeling
沿路聽着海風 沉重化做輕鬆
Listening to the sea breeze along the way, turning heaviness into lightness
同路放下驚恐 傾出一個好夢
Together, we let go of fear, pouring out a good dream
投入熾熱之中 隨着腦部清空
Plunging into the heat, emptying our minds
唯獨記住當刻 得到一剎感動
Remembering only the moment, a fleeting touch of emotion
記得這分鐘 蟬鳴時 我心中的畫
Remember this minute, the cicadas' song, the painting in my heart
記得當天空 澄明時 我身邊的他
Remember the sky, so clear, the one beside me
記得這一刻 糊塗時 那閃閃煙花
Remember this moment, so hazy, the sparkling fireworks
記得當相機 咔嚓時 我多麼想凝住初夏
Remember the camera's click, my wish to freeze early summer
其實每步也是祭典 遊蕩樂園內隨便發現
In fact, every step is a celebration, discovering joy in the amusement park
Never envy others
Knowing that the world is changing
Hoping to preserve the memories with all my might
Strolling on the beach again, my thirst a hundred times stronger
Holding on to the little joys
The ice cream cup holds a kind of beauty
Stepping out of the dark corners
聽沙粒說一種哲學 記得
Listening to the sand whispering a philosophy, remember
一身輕巧快樂 dadida 算一種配樂
Light and happy with a melody, dadida
Toss away the complex math
笑一笑 敞開心 抱住 感覺
Smile, open your heart, embrace the feeling
沿路聽着海風 沉重化做輕鬆
Listening to the sea breeze along the way, turning heaviness into lightness
同路放下驚恐 傾出一個好夢
Together, we let go of fear, pouring out a good dream
投入熾熱之中 隨着腦部清空
Plunging into the heat, emptying our minds
唯獨記住當刻 得到一剎感動
Remembering only the moment, a fleeting touch of emotion
Diving into the enchanting waves
Gliding through the stillness, reaching the shore
I'm your support
Swinging freely through the days
Swinging into summer, swaying and colliding
Softly and brightly, blooming in full
Holding on to the little joys
Popsicle sticks build a new kind of beauty
Stepping out of the dark corners
看飛鳥也衝開布幕 記得
Watching the birds break free from the curtain, remember
一身輕巧快樂 背心想要穿得更薄
Light and happy, wanting to wear a thinner tank top
Toss away the complex math
笑一笑 敞開心 抱住 感覺
Smile, open your heart, embrace the feeling
沿路聽着海風 沉重化做輕鬆
Listening to the sea breeze along the way, turning heaviness into lightness
同路放下驚恐 傾出一個好夢
Together, we let go of fear, pouring out a good dream
投入熾熱之中 隨着腦部清空
Plunging into the heat, emptying our minds
唯獨記住當刻 一生都會感動
Remembering only the moment, a lifetime of emotion

date de sortie

1 風的形狀 - SUMMER BLUES Live
3 All We Have Is Now - SUMMER BLUES Live
4 你是你本身的傳奇 - SUMMER BLUES Live
5 我心中尚未崩壞的部分 - SUMMER BLUES Live
6 可惜你是個人 - SUMMER BLUES Live
7 心靈作家 - SUMMER BLUES Live
8 救命歌 - SUMMER BLUES Live
9 留下來的人 - SUMMER BLUES Live
10 沒明日的恐懼 - SUMMER BLUES Live
11 林中鳥 - SUMMER BLUES Live
12 (沒名字的)懸崖花 - SUMMER BLUES Live
13 小涼伴 - SUMMER BLUES Live
14 阿波羅 - SUMMER BLUES Live
15 飛 - SUMMER BLUES Live
16 感覺良好 - SUMMER BLUES Live
17 青春頌 - SUMMER BLUES Live
18 doodoodoo - SUMMER BLUES Live
19 Don't Text Him (Just Kiss Him) - SUMMER BLUES Live
20 長期浪漫 - SUMMER BLUES Live
21 樹木真美 - SUMMER BLUES Live
22 靈魂出竅練習曲 - SUMMER BLUES Live
23 Get A Life, 處女座 - Aries Mix / SUMMER BLUES Live
24 if i die tonight - SUMMER BLUES Live
25 Something - SUMMER BLUES Live
26 假以時日 - SUMMER BLUES Live
27 笑忘書 - SUMMER BLUES Live
28 隔離 - SUMMER BLUES Live
29 一人之境 - SUMMER BLUES Live
30 潛水 - SUMMER BLUES Live
31 just carry on - SUMMER BLUES Live
32 another day - SUMMER BLUES Live
33 時光倒流一句話 - SUMMER BLUES Live
34 記得 - SUMMER BLUES Live
36 Boléro - Instrumental / SUMMER BLUES Live
37 神奇的糊塗魔藥 - SUMMER BLUES Live
38 愛因斯坦羅森橋 - Instrumental / SUMMER BLUES Live
39 Run With The Wind - Instrumental / SUMMER BLUES Live
40 doodoodoo - SUMMER BLUES Live
41 夏之風物詩 - SUMMER BLUES Live
42 在空中的這一秒 - SUMMER BLUES Live
43 memories - Instrumental / SUMMER BLUES Live
44 下一位前度 - SUMMER BLUES Live
45 拼命無恙 - SUMMER BLUES Live
46 單數 - SUMMER BLUES Live
47 特倫斯夢遊仙境 - SUMMER BLUES Live
48 難道喜歡處女座 - SUMMER BLUES Live
49 夕暮れ - Instrumental / SUMMER BLUES Live
50 某種老朋友 - SUMMER BLUES Live
51 壞與更壞 - SUMMER BLUES Live
52 聽風 - SUMMER BLUES Live
53 想創 - SUMMER BLUES Live
54 致明日的舞 - SUMMER BLUES Live

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