林峯 - 明天以后 泳儿 国语版 40秒铃声版 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 林峯 - 明天以后 泳儿 国语版 40秒铃声版

明天以后 泳儿 国语版 40秒铃声版
Tomorrow After Swimmer Mandarin Version 40 Second Ringtone Version
酷我歌词组 猫咪制作
Kuwo Lyric Group Cat Production
命运若在愚弄 是否不得不失控
If fate makes fun of Would you have to lose control
命运就在愚弄 令你断了梦
Fate is making fun of you And it breaks your dream
今生即管情动 下世亦注定扑空
In this life, you can be affectionate In the next life, you are destined to be empty
如再潜世或仗义 苍天不理也不至动容
If you reincarnate or act chivalrously again The heavens will not care and will not be moved
无惧天色再沉 玄妙中指引
I'm not afraid of the sky sinking any more In the mystery, there is guidance
I hope I am lucky enough to find a solution
如若终可再寻 迷雾里足印
If I can finally find again In the fog, footprints
As the fog clears The moon shines on all beings
即使披荆都给斩刺 多得一位布衣
Even if I cut through thorns Give me more than one commoner
For thousands of years, no one has ever been able to predict things like him
就算改写命运扭转命途 毕生都可告知
Even if you rewrite your fate and change your destiny You can tell me all your life
It is fate that allows you to find the meaning in your heart
即使心灰都给点化 终可得到靠依
Even if you are discouraged, give me some advice You can finally get your support
I have met thousands of people No one is as righteous as him
命理天机都给推测 就如他口中的已知
The mysteries of fate are all guessed As he said, it is known
际遇命运让你先知 都未能改编历史
Fate allows you to know in advance But you can't change history
一生种种恶果 犯了非一般的错
All kinds of evil in a lifetime I made a mistake that was not ordinary
If I had known today What was the use of being afraid Remembering the past
假使听得太多 尘世未信缘报可
If you listen to too much The world does not believe in the law of karma
如信报应因果 应懂此际半生该怎过
If you believe in the cause and effect of karma You should know how to live your life at this moment
无惧天色再沉 玄妙中指引
I'm not afraid of the sky sinking any more In the mystery, there is guidance
I hope I am lucky enough to find a solution
如若终可再寻 迷雾里足印
If I can finally find again In the fog, footprints
As the fog clears The moon shines on all beings
即使披荆都给斩刺 多得一位布衣
Even if I cut through thorns Give me more than one commoner
For thousands of years, no one has ever been able to predict things like him
就算改写命运扭转命途 毕生都可告知
Even if you rewrite your fate and change your destiny You can tell me all your life
It is fate that allows you to find the meaning in your heart
即使心灰都给点化 终可得到靠依
Even if you are discouraged, give me some advice You can finally get your support
I have met thousands of people No one is as righteous as him
命理天机都给推测 就如他口中的已知
The mysteries of fate are all guessed As he said, it is known
际遇命运让你先知 都未能改编历史
Fate allows you to know in advance But you can't change history

林峯 - compilation

1 心领
2 幼稚完
3 风暴
4 许诺
5 心有灵犀 电视剧《陆小凤与花满楼》片头曲
6 守卫 电视剧《卫子夫》片尾曲 试听版
7 chok 抢听版
8 夏雪 铃声
9 一直都在 国语
10 江山背后 电视剧《卫子夫》片头曲 伴奏版
11 on my way 伴奏版
12 似是而非 国 《广告风云》电视主题曲
13 幼稚完 钢琴曲
14 幼稚完 《雷霆扫毒片》电视剧片尾曲 伴奏版
15 驯兽师之王 数码暴龙 主题曲
16 许诺 《白蛇传说》电影主题曲
17 let's get wet+头发乱了+本草纲目+let‘s get wet
18 心有灵犀 电视剧《陆小凤与花满楼》主题曲tv verison 伴奏版
19 热能放送 电台版
20 风暴 《少年四大名捕》电视原声带
21 你不在
22 沙滩 56秒铃声版
23 爱在魅来1分钟
24 爱在记忆中找你+夏日倾情 41秒铃声版
25 我很痛 2011 live
26 时代
27 爱在魅来一分钟
28 明天以后 泳儿 国语版 40秒铃声版
29 lf music only
30 唯一的思念
31 值得流泪 电视剧《包青天》主题曲
32 我们很好 《摘星之旅》电视主题曲
33 幼稚完 bonus track
34 朋友请不要伤悲 dj dell remix
35 我们很好 35秒铃声版
36 一场接一场的伤
37 你有短信 铃声
38 害怕爱上一个人
39 驯兽师之王
40 静夜思 《包青天》电视剧主题曲
41 赤地转机 现场版
42 女校男生
43 领会 《覆雨翻雲》tvb剧集片尾曲
44 我很痛 live
45 broken 2011 live
46 because of you 32秒铃声版
47 11 53 p.m. music only
48 洗澡

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