林慧萍 - 驛 - Remastered - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 林慧萍 - 驛 - Remastered

驛 - Remastered
Station - Remastered
Narration: Huang Shu-Jun
火車站的候車室 時常坐著一位打扮整齊的中年婦人
A woman was often found sitting at the train station waiting room, neatly dressed and carrying an old-fashioned suitcase.
手裡抱著一個老式皮箱 游目張望 似乎在期待什麼
Her eyes looked around, as if she were expecting someone.
第一次見到婦人是他高中的時候 每天夜裡從桃園通車到台北補習
The first time he saw her, he was a high schooler, commuting from Taoyuan to Taipei for cram school.
深夜十一點回到桃園 婦人總是準時地坐在候車室的木椅上
Upon returning to Taoyuan at 11 PM, the woman was always sitting on the bench at the waiting room.
等待著的姿勢 不安的眼神 端整的打扮 好像在等待著某一個約好的人
Her restless body language, nervous eyes, and neat style were as if she was waiting for someone she had promised to meet.
起先他沒有特別留意她 可是時間一久 尤其是沒有旅客的時候
At first, he didn't pay much attention to her, but as time passed, especially when there were no other passengers,
婦人就格外顯的孤寂 有一天他終於下定決心 在候車室等待那婦人離去
the woman appeared all the more lonely. One day, he finally built up his courage to wait for her to leave the waiting room.
一直到深夜落 一直到凌晨一點 婦人才站了起來
From evening until 1 AM, the woman finally stood up.
She walked to the blackboard and wrote in chalk,
「水:等你沒等到 我先走了! 留」
"Water: I didn't wait for you. I'm leaving first! Ying."
那時他才知道 原來候車室長久以來的這則留言是出自那婦人
That was when he realized that this woman had been the source of the message on the board all these years.
後來車站的老人告訴他 婦人已經在候車室坐了二十幾年了
Later, an elderly person at the station told him that the woman had been sitting in the waiting room for over 20 years.
有人說她瘋了 有人說曾看見她打開皮箱 箱裡裝的是少女時代的衣服
Some said that she was crazy, and some said that they saw her open her suitcase, which contained clothes from her youth.
大部分的人都說 在二十幾年前那個夜晚 英和她的水約好在車站碰面
Most people said that one night about 20 years ago, Ying and her lover, Water, had agreed to meet at the station platform.
要私奔到某一個不知名的地方 可是叫水的那個男人卻缺席了
They were supposed to elope to some unknown place, but the man known as Water never showed up.
有一天他回家的時候 不再看到英的影子 問了車站許多人但不知道為什麼
One day, he asked around after failing to see Ying and was told that,
這風雨無阻的婦人那一天沒有來 第二天的清晨
for some reason, the woman who had weathered the storms all these years did not come that day. The next morning,
英殘缺的身體被發現在鐵道上 皮箱滾到很遠的地方
Ying's dismembered body was found on the railway tracks. Her suitcase was found far away.
旅客留言板上有她的字跡 只改了幾個字
On the message board, there was writing in her hand, but it was slightly different:
「水:等你三十年 我先走了 留」
"Water: I waited 30 years. I'm leaving first. Ying."
就這樣 斷了線 就真這樣 不再相見
And just like that, it ends, like that, with no reunion.
飛出了時間 飛出天邊
She flew away from time, flew away from the world,
飛到另外一個 沒有我的天
and flew to another place where I don't exist.
經過許多年 所有的眷戀
Years have passed, and all my longing,
飄浮在時空裡 沒有終點
drifting in time and space, with no destination.
人生是一張 泛黃的相片
Life is like an old photo turning yellow,
and I stand still at the station, forever frozen.

Writer(s): Jiang San Sheng

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