Do you remember the ice cream cup I couldn't finish? I used to fall asleep on your shoulder. Do you remember that? Every day.
睜開渴望的雙眼 告訴自己 你要我加油一點 每一年 歡笑聲總提醒我一遍 我的存在
I open my eager eyes and tell myself that you want me to try a little harder. Year after year, your laughter reminds me of my existence.
是你留下的珍貴 我一直向前走 偶爾有點脆弱 不輕易開口 就算受傷失落 他們眼中的我
Your love is a precious gift that I carry with me. I keep looking ahead, but sometimes I feel vulnerable and unwilling to open up. Even when I am hurt and lost, in the eyes of others,
是幸福的我 很勇敢 追逐我的夢(你是否 也會這麼說) 我一直向前走 腳步不曾停留
I am happy, brave and chasing my dream. (Would you say so too?) I keep going, never stopping.
有時會犯錯 要學的還很多 有一天 當我迷失了終點 能不能 回到你懷中 抱緊我
Sometimes I make mistakes. I still have a lot to learn. Will you hold me if I ever get lost? Can I come back to your arms?
每一年 往夢想靠近一點 卻又發現心裡面還有個缺 每一天 要自己再更堅強一些
Every year I get a little closer to my dream, but there's still a hole in my heart. I have to be stronger, kinder, and braver.
要更溫柔 去面對 這個世界 每一回 吹蠟燭的時候 那是我 最想你的時候 可不可以任性
Every time I blow out my birthday candles, I miss you the most. I wish I could be selfish
假裝你一直沒走 好想再聽你說 今天吃飯了嗎 最近還好嗎 這是我 最奢侈的夢
and pretend you're still here. I want to hear you ask again, "Did you eat today?" "How are you doing?" This is my most extravagant dream.
我一直向前走 不害怕什麼 有你的笑容 陪在我身後 有一天 當我的夢想實現 相信你
I keep going. I'm not afraid of anything, because your smile is with me. One day, when my dream comes true, I trust that
也會為我 覺得光榮
you will be proud of me too.
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