棒棒堂 - 七彩棒棒堂 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 棒棒堂 - 七彩棒棒堂

Colorful Lollipop
跟著我深呼吸 逆著風向前進 創造出無限大的奇蹟
Follow me and take a deep breath, step forward even against the wind, creating an infinite miracle
跟著我做自己 閃亮的發光體 我們的青春無人能敵
Follow me and be yourself, a shining light, our youth is invincible
歡迎光臨加入我們的聖堂 就要顛覆你們的想像
Welcome to join our sanctuary, to subvert your imagination
全力以赴不害怕受傷 盡情發光
Go all out, don't be afraid of getting hurt, shine brightly
不管世界多大 多麼地瘋狂 我們都會勇敢的去闖
No matter how big the world is, how crazy it is, we will have the courage to break in
為了實現所有的夢想 不退堂
In order to achieve all our dreams, we will never give up
努力穿越一片忙碌的人牆 我的志氣沒人能阻擋
Effort to get through the hectic crowd, my determination can't be stopped
讓你見識我們的倔強 我們的Young
Let you see our stubbornness, our youth
在這個世界上 我們都不一樣 卻同個夢想在前方
In this world, we are all different, but we have the same dream ahead
跟著我深呼吸 逆著風向前進 創造出無限大的奇蹟
Follow me and take a deep breath, step forward even against the wind, creating an infinite miracle
跟著我做自己 閃亮的發光體 我們的青春無人能敵
Follow me and be yourself, a shining light, our youth is invincible
手裡拿著一根七彩棒棒糖 想起童年純真的願望
With a colorful lollipop in hand, I recall the pure wish of childhood
長出翅膀在天空飛翔 享受陽光
With wings sprouting, I soar in the sky, enjoying the sunshine
長大以後事實殘酷的模樣 雖然有點離譜地荒唐
When I grow up, the reality is harsh and ridiculous
相信我們擁有的力量 不退讓
Believe in the power we have, never give up
我們一定會有很多的迷惘 不停摸索未來的方向
We will definitely have a lot of confusion, constantly exploring the direction of the future
找到屬於我們的天堂 自由寬廣
Find our own paradise, free and broad
在這個世界上 我們都不一樣 卻同個夢想在前方
In this world, we are all different, but we have the same dream ahead
跟著我深呼吸 逆著風向前進 創造出無限大的奇蹟
Follow me and take a deep breath, step forward even against the wind, creating an infinite miracle
跟著我做自己 閃亮的發光體 我們的青春無人能敵
Follow me and be yourself, a shining light, our youth is invincible
隨時都有人 等著嘲笑我們 隨時都有人
There are people waiting to make fun of us at any time, and there are people who are always
看不習慣我們 尊重所有你們的聲音 也請你們仔細聽聽
Unaccustomed to us, respect all your voices and please listen carefully
我愛棒棒堂 我愛棒棒堂 我愛棒棒堂 HO HO HO
I love Lollipop, I love Lollipop, I love Lollipop HO HO HO
要勇敢面對 這一切的危機 我會盡全力化危機為轉機
We must bravely face all the crises, I will try my best to turn the crises into opportunities
努力創造自己的奇蹟 頭破血流也沒關係
Strive to create our own miracles, it doesn't matter if our heads are bleeding
我愛棒棒堂 我愛棒棒堂 我愛棒棒堂 HO HO HO
I love Lollipop, I love Lollipop, I love Lollipop HO HO HO
跟著我深呼吸 逆著風向前進 創造出無限大的奇蹟
Follow me and take a deep breath, step forward even against the wind, creating an infinite miracle
跟著我做自己 閃亮的發光體 我們的青春無人能比
Follow me and be yourself, a shining light, our youth is invincible
跟著我深呼吸 逆著風向前進 創造出無限大的奇蹟
Follow me and take a deep breath, step forward even against the wind, creating an infinite miracle
跟著我做自己 閃亮的發光體 我們的青春無人能比
Follow me and be yourself, a shining light, our youth is invincible
La~ La~ La~ La~
La~ La~ La~ La~

Writer(s): 花輪, 小王子

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