楊丞琳 - 为爱启程 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 楊丞琳 - 为爱启程

Embarking on Love
我的天空 為何掛滿濕的淚
Why is my sky adorned with damp tears?
我的天空 為何總灰的臉
Why is my sky always a dreary gray?
飄流在世界的另一邊 任寂寞侵犯一遍一遍
Adrift on the other side of the world, solitude encroaches time and again
天空 劃著長長的思念
My sky, etched with endless yearning
全世界只有你不懂我愛你 我給的不只是好朋友而已
In the whole world, only you don't understand my love for you - I offer more than just friendship
每個欲言又止淺淺笑容裡 難道你沒發現我渴望訊息
In every unspoken word, in every faint smile, haven't you noticed my longing for connection?
終於看開 愛回不來 我們面前太多阻礙
Finally, it's clear - love can't be rekindled, there are too many obstacles between us
你的手卻放不開 寧願沒出息 求我別離開
But I can't let go of your hand, I'm willing to be spineless, to beg you to stay
我懷念的是無話不說 我懷念的是一起做夢
I miss our endless conversations, I miss dreaming together
我懷念的是爭吵以後 還是想要愛你的衝動
I miss the way we fought and still longed to love each other
我記得那年生日 也記得那一首歌
I remember your birthday that year, and I remember that song
記得那片星空 最緊的右手 最暖的胸口
I remember the stars that night, our intertwined fingers, the warmth of your embrace
(誰記得) 誰忘了
(Who remembers?), Who's forgotten?
陰天 在不開燈的房間
On overcast days, in a room with no lights
As all thoughts slowly subside
Is love merely a drug for the soul?
Or a trivial pastime at the end of the century?
香煙 氳成一灘光圈
Smoke curls into a halo of light
As your photograph sits nearby
傻傻兩個人 笑的多甜
Two fools, smiling so sweetly
愛沿著 拋物線
Love follows a parabolic arc
離幸福 總降落得差一點
Falling just short of happiness
Only from the greatest heights do we understand
That the waxing and waning of the moon is but an illusion
我們變成了世上 最熟悉的 陌生人
We have become the most familiar strangers in the world
今後各自曲折 各自悲哀
Henceforth, our paths will diverge, each bearing its own sorrow
只怪 我們愛得那麼洶湧 愛得 那麼深
Our love was so turbulent, so deep
於是夢醒了擱淺了沉默了揮手了 卻回不了神
And so, we awoke, stranded, silent, waving goodbye, yet unable to regain our senses
如果我的堅強任性 會不小心傷害了你
If my strength and stubbornness inadvertently hurt you
Could you offer a gentle reminder?
我雖然心太急 更害怕錯過你
For though I am impetuous, I fear losing you even more
愛真的需要勇氣 來面對流言蜚語
Love indeed demands courage, to confront the whispers and the gossip
人潮擁擠我能感覺你 放在我手心裡 你的真心
In the teeming crowds, I can feel you, holding your sincerity in the palm of my hand
我們的故事愛就愛到值得 錯也錯的值得
Our story, our love - it was worth loving, even if it was worth the pain
Love can turn the world upside down, and still bear fruit
用盡所有力氣不是為我 那是為你才這麼做
I used all my strength, not for myself, but for you
雖然愛是種責任 給要給得完整
Though love is a kind of duty, it must be given completely
有時愛 美在無法永恆
Sometimes, love is beautiful in its impermanence
愛有多銷魂 就有多傷人
Love can be as intoxicating as it is heartbreaking
你若勇敢愛了 就要勇敢分
If you have loved with bravery, you must also part with bravery
但願天空 不再掛滿濕的淚
May my sky no longer be adorned with damp tears
後來 我總算學會了如何去愛 可惜你早已遠去 消失在人海
Later, I finally learned how to love, but alas, you were already gone, lost in the sea of humanity
後來 終於在眼淚中明白 有些人 一旦錯過就不再
Later, amidst my tears, I came to understand that once some people are missed, they are missed forever
I want to be happy, to sleep peacefully
有些人不抱了才溫暖 離開了才不恨 我早應該割捨
Some people only bring warmth when they're not held, only cease to be hated when they're gone - I should have let go long ago
我要快樂 哪怕笑的再大聲
I want to be happy, even if it means laughing out loud
心不是熱的 全都是假的
If my heart is not warm, it is all a lie
Only my tears are real

Writer(s): Ming Zhou Huang, Yi Xin Lin, Zong Sheng Li, Qian Yao, Writers Various, Tanya Chua, Han Xiao, Ying Ru Liao, Zi Long Chen

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