楊千嬅 - 零號 - traduction des paroles en anglais

零號 - 楊千嬅traduction en anglais

神跡中 地震裂 天倒塌 刁民才動容
Amidst the miracles, earthquake splits the heavens, and the impious are stirred
難道我們會 看一套卡通戲 就此肯盡信
Could it be that we would watch a cartoon show and be immediately convinced?
如福音 不過是沒法感動我的情信
As for that gospel, it's just a love letter that fails to move me
誰願愛愛我 我就誰都信奉
I'd follow anyone who loves me
難道天主的愛寵 未能符合我的標準
Is it that God's beloved pet doesn't fit my standards?
神聲音 極偉大 不可以感情來認同
God's voice is grand, but one cannot recognize it with just emotion
原罪太純潔 你跟我開色戒 大抵不受控
Original sin is too pure; you tempt me with sex; you probably can't control it yourself
而福音 不過是沒有出席過的聆訊
And the gospel is just a hearing I never attended
誰又有說過 愛敵人真有用
And who says that loving one's enemy is of any use?
如若犧牲得永生 為何仍是愛得隱隱作痛
If sacrifice rewards eternal life, why does love still hurt so?
不必福音 別這樣 逼迫我
Spare me the gospel; don't coerce me
不必福音 無論誰 都不過 只得一生
Spare me the gospel; whoever you are, we only have one life
我不依 怎麽樣 天國已有多近
I refuse to obey. How near is the kingdom of heaven?
由別人相信 永生的神
Let others believe in an eternal God
投其所好 像個使徒
Pander to their beliefs like an apostle
我不要等 虔誠逼出的缺憾
I won't wait for the shortfall born of devoutness
寧願我沒永生 多分幾個吻
I'd rather not have eternal life but have a few more kisses
不必福音 罪與罰都給我
Spare me the gospel; give me both the sins and the punishment
不必福音 無論誰 都不過 只得一生
Spare me the gospel; whoever you are, we only have one life
我不依 怎麽樣 天國已有多近
I refuse to obey. How near is the kingdom of heaven?
由別人相信 永生的神
Let others believe in an eternal God
投其所好 像個使徒
Pander to their beliefs like an apostle
我不要等 虔誠逼出的缺憾
I won't wait for the shortfall born of devoutness
寧願我沒永生 多分幾個吻
I'd rather not have eternal life but have a few more kisses
神聲音 極偉大 都需要等人來認同
God's voice is grand; it requires someone to recognize it
誰又證明過 聖經裏的真理 命中都命中
Who has proven that the truths in the Bible are all true?
如福音 不過是沒有新字句的舊信
As for that gospel, it's just an old letter with no new words
寧願去作個 有下文的美夢
I'd rather have a dream that has a future
隨著心底的暗湧 為情傳道去找新的信眾
I'll follow the undercurrent of my heart, preaching love, and finding new followers

Writer(s): Wyman Wong, De Cai Cai

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