歐開合唱團 feat. 乱彈阿翔, 五月天, 白安, 家家, 嚴爵 & MP魔幻力量 - 由我們主宰 (中文版) [2014巴西世界盃可口可樂主題曲] - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 歐開合唱團 feat. 乱彈阿翔, 五月天, 白安, 家家, 嚴爵 & MP魔幻力量 - 由我們主宰 (中文版) [2014巴西世界盃可口可樂主題曲]

由我們主宰 (中文版) [2014巴西世界盃可口可樂主題曲]
Here We Go (Chinese Edition) [2014 Brazil World Cup Coca-Cola Theme Song]
五月天:期待一場球賽 期待一次戀愛
Mayday: Anticipating a football match, anticipating a romance
人生總在期待 輸贏也都會精采
Life is always full of anticipation, both victory and defeat can be exciting
白安:熱淚盈眶的痛快 想喊那就吶喊
Bai An: The exhilarating pain of tears, shout if you want to shout
排山倒海的期待 七十億顆心狂歡
The earth-shaking anticipation, the狂欢 of seven billion hearts
合:由我們主宰 OH 世界能多大 OH 由我 由我 由我 由我們主宰
Chorus: Here we go, OH, how big can the world be, OH, by me, by me, by me, by us we rule
Lights up the world Lights up the world
Lights up the world Lights up the world
嚴爵:心跳痛快起來 天地逆轉起來
Yen-j: The heartbeat speeds up, the world turns upside down
煩惱飛踢起來 飛踢到大氣層外
Kick the troubles away, kick them to the stratosphere
家家:扭轉過去和現在 誰說你不能愛
Jia Jia: Upend the past and the present, who says you can't love
貫徹快樂的未來 是誰能主宰
Uphold a happy future, who can rule
合:由我們主宰 OH 世界能多大 OH 由我 由我 由我 由我們主宰
Chorus: Here we go, OH, how big can the world be, OH, by me, by me, by me, by us we rule
世界一起Everybody 你的風景由你決定
The world together, Everybody, you decide your own scenery
The world together, Everybody
Lights up the world Lights up the world
Lights up the world Lights up the world
MP: With faith, we rule the world
With happiness, we light up day and night
Our carnival party has no time limit
Our decibel飙飙飙 has no limit
不管輸贏 只管享受
Regardless of winning or losing, just enjoy
沒有疏離 只有感動
No alienation, only感动
When all the luck in the universe is controlled by us, it shines for us
Let's go
Let's go
嚴爵:經典 傳統再現 這世界有我們在線
Yen-j: Classic, tradition再現, this world has us online
規則由我們來寫 新歷史就是由我們來演
We write the rules, we act out the new history
If you agree, give us some applause
In the internet age, you are the hotspot
主宰的世界由 不只我 不只你 不只他 是由我們
The world we rule is not only me, not only you, not only him, it is by us
合:由我們主宰 OH (由我們主宰)
Chorus: Here we go, OH (Here we go)
世界能多大 OH (世界能多大)
How big can the world be, OH (How big can the world be)
由我 由我 由我 由我們主宰
By me, by me, by me, by us we rule
(由我們主宰)OH 世界能多大 OH (世界能多大)
(Here we go)OH, how big can the world be, OH (How big can the world be)
由我 由我 由我 由我們主宰
By me, by me, by me, by us we rule

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