江映蓉 - 再多一天 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 江映蓉 - 再多一天

One More Day
好想问你 从哪里来
I wonder where you came from
第一天的你 慌乱不安 好像命中注定的爱
The first day I met you, you were flustered and uneasy, as if our love was destined
心潮澎湃 舍不得离开
My heart was pounding, and I couldn't bear to leave
你的影子到处都在 来了 走了 又回来
Your shadow is everywhere, coming, going, and coming back
你的眼睛 你的嘴唇 那天幸福和感动
Your eyes, your lips, that day's happiness, and感動
因为在你的怀中 我才有了勇气做梦
Because in your arms, I found the courage to dream
再多一点 再多一点 再多一点时间等待
Just a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more time to wait
等待着你穿越而来 给我超越时空的爱
Waiting for you to come through time, giving me a love that transcends time and space
再多一天 再多一天 就这样贴着你的脸
One more day, one more day, just like this, against your face
万语千言都不如 再多一天 再多爱我一天
Thousands of words are not as good as one more day, one more day of loving me
你在哪里 我问我自己
Where are you, I ask myself
你默默远去 不留痕迹 我记得你还在这里
You silently left, without a trace, but I remember you're still here
有意无意 不免会想起
Intentionally or unintentionally, I can't help but think of you
在无法触及的地方 那么多次来不及
In that untouchable place, so many times we missed
那眼睛 那嘴唇 那天幸福和感动
Those eyes, those lips, that day's happiness, and感動
因为在你的怀中 我才有了勇气做梦
Because in your arms, I found the courage to dream
再多一点 再多一点 再多一点时间等待
Just a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more time to wait
等待着你穿越而来 给我超越时空的爱
Waiting for you to come through time, giving me a love that transcends time and space
再多一天 再多一天 就这样贴着你的脸
One more day, one more day, just like this, against your face
万语千言都不如 再多一天 再多爱我一天
Thousands of words are not as good as one more day, one more day of loving me
近在眼前 却像远在天边
You're right before my eyes, yet it feels like you're miles away
你的名字 随你走远 却从来没有离开我身边
Your name, it left with you, but it's never left my side
再多一点 再多一点 再多一点时间等待
Just a little bit more, a little bit more, a little bit more time to wait
等待着你穿越回来 给我超越时空的爱
Waiting for you to come back, giving me a love that transcends time and space
再多一天 再多一天 就这样一年又一年
One more day, one more day, like this year after year
别说再见 只要你 再多一天 我只要你 再多爱我一天
Don't say goodbye, just you, one more day, I just want you, to love me one more day

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