Jody Chiang - 雪梅思君 - traduction des paroles en anglais

雪梅思君 - 江蕙traduction en anglais

Snow plum is missing you
正月算来春酒香 家家户户门联红
The first month of spring, spring wine is fragrant, every household's door is red
红男绿女满街巷 迎新正心轻松
Young men and women are all over the street, welcoming the new year with ease
只有雪梅心沉重 牺牲青春好花欉
Only the snow plum is heavy in heart, sacrificing childhood, and good flowerbush
为君立誓不嫁尪 甘愿来守节一世人
Vowing not to marry for you, willing to keep the chastity for life
二月算来陈神雷 山前山后草青翠
The second month, the weather is fine, the grass is green on the front and back hills
好命有尪伴相随 赏风景心花开
Good fate has a husband to accompany, enjoying the scenery, the heart blossoms
讲起雪梅上克亏 每日怨叹流珠泪
Snow plum, on the other hand, suffered a lot, lamenting every day, and shedding tears
一片纯情全枉费 无缘份甲君来做堆
A pure heart is in vain, no fate to be with you
三月算来是清明 人人扫墓上山顶
The third month is the Qingming Festival, and everyone sweeps the tombs and climbs the mountain
雪梅抱子到墓前 墓桌上排三牲
Xue Mei took her child to the tomb, and placed the three animals on the tomb table
见景又来想旧情 伤心目屎流没停
Seeing the scene, thinking of the old feelings, tears of sadness keep flowing
郎君那通即侥幸 害著阮孤单过一生
Your luck is so good, making me lonely all my life
四月算来春天后 无寒无热风透透
The fourth month is after the spring, no cold or heat, the wind is gentle
雪梅心肝乱抄抄 想郎君情意厚
Xue Mei's heart is in chaos, missing your deep affection
目屎已经不愿流 一心望子会出头
Tears are no longer willing to flow, hoping my child will come out on top
较苦也要来等候 甘愿来拖磨到年老
No matter how hard it is, I will wait, and I am willing to endure until I am old
五月算来扒龙船 河边人马乱纷纷
The fifth month is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the river is full of people
雪梅有子无郎君 对谁人来议论
Snow plum has a child but no husband, who can I talk to
当做注定的命运 迫阮空过好青春
Treating it as a destined fate, forcing me to waste my youth
一生伴子守家门 忍耐著满腹的苦闷
Stay at home with your child all your life, and endure the bitterness
六月算来是半年 农村收冬喜冲天
The sixth month is half a year, and the countryside is filled with joy when winter comes
只有雪梅暗伤悲 又寂寞又空虚
Only snow plum is secretly sad, lonely and empty
坐在床前想彼时 暗中唱著断肠诗
Sitting on the bed, thinking of that time, secretly singing a heartbreaking poem
希望子儿会成器 表明著对君的情义
Hoping that my child will be successful, showing my love for you
七月算来日头烧 看见后庭树落叶
The seventh month is the sun, and the trees in the backyard are falling
雪梅坚心像铁石 守清节无动摇
Snow plum's determination is like iron, and she keeps her chastity without wavering
日日思君开声叫 夜夜梦中看会著
Thinking of you every day and calling out your name, seeing you in my dreams every night
名声第一爱保惜 不愿给闲人来耻笑
Cherishing the reputation first, not willing to be ridiculed by idlers
八月算来是中秋 人人赏月心清幽
In the eighth month, it is Mid-Autumn Festival, and everyone is赏月with a clear mind
雪梅目屎条目睭 怨旧恨叹心愁
Snow plum's tears are streaming down her face, complaining about the old hatred and sighing
站在窗前对月娘 诚心诚意来恳求
Standing in front of the window, facing the moon, sincerely begging
千辛万苦愿接受 给子儿将来有成就
I am willing to accept all the hardships and give my child a future
九月算来是重阳 拜祭亡夫情意重
The ninth month is the Double Ninth Festival, and it is important to pay homage to the deceased husband
一拜想起君面容 心又酸断肝肠
Thinking of your face when I worship, my heart is broken
这世甲君命相冲 恨天怨地啥路用
In this life, you and I are destined to be in conflict, and it is useless to hate the heavens and the earth
雪梅对君来参详 望后世会通结成双
Snow plum thinks about you and hopes that we will be together in the next life
十月算来秋风寒 为子补衫穿针线
In the tenth month, the autumn wind is cold, and I sew needles and threads to make clothes for my children
窗外鸿雁双做伴 引起人心空弹
The wild geese outside are flying in pairs, which makes people feel empty
鸳鸯已经来拆散 不愿搁来叹孤单
Mandarin ducks have been separated, unwilling to stay and sigh alone
看子一年一年大 怎拖磨心也真快活
Watching my child grow up year by year, how can I not be happy
十一月算来是冬节 手来搓圆心怨嗟
The eleventh month is the Winter Solstice Festival, and my hands are搓圆with a sigh
自叹孤单子又细 目屎又滴落地
I sigh that I am lonely and my child is thin, and tears fall to the ground
对子句句讲训话 劝伊认真来读册
I tell my child repeatedly to study hard
管伊透风落霜雪 有立志成功无问题
I don't care if it's windy, snowy or cold, as long as I have the determination to succeed
十二月算来过年关 柴空米尽心焦烦
The twelfth month is the Chinese New Year, and my heart is焦烦when the firewood runs out and the rice is exhausted
遵守妇道心没乱 冷寒饿也甘愿
Abiding by the way of women, my heart is not chaotic, and I am willing to endure the cold and hunger
雪梅心内有打算 教子做人要正端
Snow plum has a plan in her heart, teaching her children to be upright
为非做歹万人怨 做好事名声万世传
Doing evil will be resented by thousands of people, but doing good deeds will spread your reputation for thousands of years

Writer(s): 佚名

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