泳兒 - 披着人皮的獸 - 《埋班作樂》作品 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 泳兒 - 披着人皮的獸 - 《埋班作樂》作品

披着人皮的獸 - 《埋班作樂》作品
Human in Disguise - From the Work of "Fun at School"
萬物是個病態 偽善犯禁越界
All things are a pathology, hypocrisy is forbidden, and boundaries are crossed
很多偽正經 偏打着領呔
Many hypocrites wear ties
地上犯了律誡 亦被膜拜膜拜
Those who break the law on earth are also worshipped and worshipped
所有黑白 不算好壞
All the black and white are not good or bad
有吃喝最重要 外面動盪或痛苦
Eating and drinking are the most important things, and the outside world is turbulent or painful
Close your eyes and you will not feel the call
豪門財產紛擾 窮人遺失飯票
Wealthy families are in turmoil, the poor have lost their meal tickets
Which will be more troublesome
人人一本聖經 仍然掩沒人性
Everyone has a Bible, but humanity is still hidden
冷眼世界崩壞 這是獸畜天性
The world is in ruins, this is the nature of beasts
何其一本正經 我卻唯有純粹的呼應
So self-righteous, yet I can only respond with sincerity
吼叫吶喊聲 偏偏吼不破假太平
The sound of roaring and shouting, but I can't break the false peace
即使有多太平 逼真似得要命
Even if there is peace, it is so real that it is deadly
不斷蠶食我 該怎麼冷靜
It keeps eating me, how can I calm down
有富貴最重要 極地陸地在發燒
Wealth and honor are the most important things, and the land at the poles is burning
You say there are trees to be cut down
緩緩融解冰雕 仍然迷戀夕照
The ice sculpture melts slowly, still fascinated by the sunset
The world is too beautiful
人人一本聖經 仍然掩沒人性
Everyone has a Bible, but humanity is still hidden
冷眼世界崩壞 這是獸畜天性
The world is in ruins, this is the nature of beasts
何其一本正經 我卻唯有殘缺的呼應
So self-righteous, yet I can only respond with flaws
吼叫吶喊聲 瘋癲得不過假正經
The sound of roaring and shouting, crazy about not being hypocritical
Why do people hate, waste, guess, be snobbish, lazy, greedy, stubborn, arrogant, but always find excuses
No guilt at all
原來怎麼撇清 從來只是人性
It turns out that all the excuses are just human nature
我也試過苟活 乃亂世的反應
I have also tried to survive, which is a reaction to chaos
成全內心的獸 至有力氣和世間爭鬥
To fulfill the beast in my heart, to have the strength to fight the world
半秒罪疚感 可否堪稱最佳發明
A half-second of guilt, can it be called the best invention

Writer(s): 大頭, 陳嘉朗

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