泳兒 feat. 黎瑞恩 - 搖籃曲 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 泳兒 feat. 黎瑞恩 - 搖籃曲

悔恨時常誤解你最任性永遠三歲 抱著你買玩具
Regret often misunderstands the most willful of you, forever three, holding you and buying toys
悔恨時常誤解我夠大個要飛出去 放縱的向前去
Regret often misunderstands me as being old enough to fly away, indulgently pushing forward
悔恨年月埋下歲數差距 怎能夠太了解新少女
Regret buries the age difference over the years, how can I deeply understand a young girl?
從前自己 溫室中過得很美滿我那懂得去隻身攀山涉水
In the past, I was beautiful living in a greenhouse, how could I understand climbing mountains and wading through waters alone?
你話凡事付出那怕受到最愛婉拒 結局挫敗累累
You say that paying for anything, even being gently rejected by the beloved, the result will be repeated frustrations
我話凡事樂觀去接受這世間醜惡 我也感到憔悴
I say that being optimistic about everything in order to accept the ugliness of this world, I also feel exhausted
你話凡事誠實你說得對 可憐我對那些真相恐懼
You say that being honest in everything is right, but I'm afraid of those truths
懷疑自己 講得多勇敢的教你向理想追 我也偷偷氣餒
Self-doubt, how much courage did you have to teach me to pursue my dreams? I also secretly feel discouraged
難過於自己不夠寬容聽聽你說道理 靜下來良心總會責備
Sad about my own narrow-mindedness, listening to you speaking the truth, My conscience always blames me when I calm down
但其實我都不夠信任你成長的悲與喜 誤會仍然是剛出生的你
But actually I don't trust your growth and joys and sorrows, misunderstandings are still the newly born you
慚愧是我的幸福擁抱不來擔心我也是你 使你心痛避無可避
I am ashamed that my happiness cannot embrace the worries, I am also you, bringing you unavoidable heartache
給你的夢想原來像生命的石頭太辛苦你 (太辛苦你)
The dream I gave you is like a stone in life, which is too hard for you (too hard for you)
Hoping you are free to be yourself
努力瞞住大家你有病痛怕我知道 怕做了我負累
Trying to hide from everyone that you are sick, afraid that I would know, I would become your burden
努力瞞住大家你與伴侶已分開了 要靠工作麻醉
Trying to hide from everyone that you and your partner have separated, you need to work to numb yourself
努力瞞住難受放進心裡 怎能夠與你分享半句
Trying to hide the pain in my heart, how can I share a single sentence with you?
遺憾自己 差不多半生都照顧你那懂得再去找新興趣
Regretting that I have taken care of you for almost half of my life, how could I find new interests?
難過於自己不夠寬容聽聽你說道理 靜下來良心總會責備
Sad about my own narrow-mindedness, listening to you speaking the truth, My conscience always blames me when I calm down
但其實我都不夠信任你成長的悲與喜 誤會仍然是剛出生的你
But actually I don't trust your growth and joys and sorrows, misunderstandings are still the newly born you
慚愧是我的幸福擁抱不來擔心我也是你 使你心痛避無可避
I am ashamed that my happiness cannot embrace the worries, I am also you, bringing you unavoidable heartache
給你的夢想原來像生命的石頭太辛苦你 (太辛苦你)
The dream I gave you is like a stone in life, which is too hard for you (too hard for you)
期望你自由的做你 (期望你自由的做你)
Hoping you are free to be yourself (Hoping you are free to be yourself)
難過於自己不算天才不足以教導你 (難過於自己不算天才不足以答謝你)
Sad about my own lack of talent, not enough to teach you (Sad about my own lack of talent, not enough to thank you)
願你高飛找你的見地 (令你安心不要多顧忌)
I wish you a high flight to find your own vision, (May you be at ease without worrying too much)
論成就我都很抱怨自己未給予你驚喜 並未能乎合你幻想的美
In terms of achievement, I complain that I have not given you any surprises, and I have not lived up to your fantasy beauty
明瞭你做女生路走得更艱難只想你以後快樂無忌 (只想你以後快樂無忌)
I know that your path as a woman is more difficult, I just want you to be happy and fearless in the future (I just want you to be happy and fearless in the future)
風雨飄搖若你願意歸家必定等你 風雨飄搖是你在我身邊一直打氣
If you are willing to return home in the wind and rain, I will definitely wait for you. In the wind and rain, you have always been by my side encouraging me
有幸某年我的小生命剛剛出世 搖籃前的我定必真正明白你
I am fortunate that my little life was just born a few years ago, I will definitely understand you before the cradle
痛恨年華逝水欠缺力氣再抱起你 掛念你在頑皮
I hate the passing of time that lacks the strength to hold you again, I miss your mischievousness
痛恨年華逝水至發現我要珍惜你 我也許更長氣 到你這個年紀
I hate the passing of time until I discover that I must cherish you. I may be more patient when I reach your age

泳兒 feat. 黎瑞恩 - Short Stories
Short Stories
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