My heart feels empty on the roadside, the street lights glow blue Like they're reflecting my mood, dim and lifeless
彼當時伊提議要分離 因何我會無來加阻止
Back then, when you suggested we separate, why didn't I try to stop you?
啊 被人放捨的小城市 寂寞月暗暝
Oh, this city that's been abandoned, lonely under the dark moon
心茫茫想彼人 仰頭看樓窗 為怎樣一時心酸 目眶漸漸紅
My heart wanders, thinking of you, as I look up at the windows above Why did I suddenly feel so heartbroken and my eyes start to redden?
你在我面頭前表愛慕 已經變成過去的眠夢
The love you once expressed to me has become a distant dream
啊 被人放捨的小城市 秋夜也沉重
Oh, this city that's been abandoned, the autumn nights feel heavy
心疼痛無心晟 看月移花影 雖然是舊情難忘 暗叫你的名
My heart aches with unbearable pain as I watch the moon move with the shadows of the flowers Though it's hard to forget our past, I silently call out your name
到現在只好是祈禱你 一生過著心願的運命
Now, I can only pray that you live a life filled with your heart's desires
啊 被人放捨的小城市 秋夜落葉聲
Oh, this city that's been abandoned, the sound of autumn leaves falling
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