Takashi Hamazaki - さよならは終わりではなく - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Takashi Hamazaki - さよならは終わりではなく

Farewell Is Not the End
僕たちはお互いに 手を振りながら
We wave to each other
いつまでも いつもまでもその姿を追いかけた
And forever, forever we chase after that image
離れてゆく船の エンジンの音だけが側に残る
Only the sound of the ship's engine leaving stays behind
杯を酌み交わし 多いに語り
Raise a glass and talk a lot
酔いつぶれ 沈黙を嫌うように笑う
Get drunk and laugh to avoid silence
夜明けの星達に 見守られるように次の町へ
As the stars of dawn watch over us, we head to the next town
さよなら さよなら また会う日まで声は大きくなる
Farewell, farewell, our voices grow louder until we meet again
さよなら さよなら あなたは小さくなる
Farewell, farewell, you grow smaller
偶然の連続が 運命に変わり
A series of coincidences turns into fate
旅ゆけば 宴がこの夜も続く
As we travel, the feast continues this night
歌おうよ我が友よ それぞれ人生の無事を祈り
Let's sing, my friend, and pray for each other's well-being in life
さよなら さよなら あの約束を果たす時は来る
Farewell, farewell, the time will come to keep that promise
さよなら さよなら 終わらぬ夢を見よう
Farewell, farewell, let's dream an endless dream
I'll come to see you again many times...
In the blinding darkness where our lips almost touch
Music, slightly dazzling, deliver!
With the newly blowing wind in hand
すぐに... すぐに...
Soon... soon...
See you again!
See you again!

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