You tried to change things. You thought about us. You dreamed about us. But then you got all that sex out of your system and realized our relationship was doomed.
我看過溫柔凋萎 也聽過諾言 似玻璃破碎
I've seen kindness dry up and promises break like glass.
我看過情人憔悴 就好像刺蝟 為分離流淚
I've seen lovers wither. They get all prickly, like porcupines, and cry when it's time for us to go our separate ways.
傷心人 負心人 天下人 癡情人 只要是被傷心的人喝一杯
The broken-hearted, the fuckers who broke their hearts, the "good guys", the saps who never had a chance... When they're feeling down, I buy 'em a drink.
自已人 愛別人 什麼人 狠心人 不要再等 喝醉的靈魂
You, my friend, are the worst of them all. Don't wait for that asshole to come around again. He's a loser, pure and simple.
沒想到是你 談著想著說著失去 想結束關係 又覺得可惜
Holy moly.
你紅著雙眼 試著做著想著改變 但激情沉澱 結局更明顯
You tried to change things. You thought about us. You dreamed about us. But then you got all that sex out of your system and realized our relationship was doomed.
我看過溫柔凋萎 也聽過諾言 似玻璃破碎
I've seen kindness dry up and promises break like glass.
我看過情人憔悴 就好像刺蝟 為分離流淚
I've seen lovers wither. They get all prickly, like porcupines, and cry when it's time for us to go our separate ways.
傷心人 負心人 天下人 癡情人 只要是被傷心的人喝一杯
The broken-hearted, the fuckers who broke their hearts, the "good guys", the saps who never had a chance... When they're feeling down, I buy 'em a drink.
自已人 愛別人 什麼人 狠心人 不要再等 喝醉的靈魂
You, my friend, are the worst of them all. Don't wait for that asshole to come around again. He's a loser, pure and simple.
多情人 無心人 無情人 多傷人 只要是被傷心的人喝一杯
The lovers, the ones who didn't care, the ones who hurt so many people... When they're feeling down, I buy 'em a drink.
有心人 無緣人 有緣人 斷腸人 何必再問 新人換舊人
The lovers, the ones who lost their chance, the ones who'll never be happy again... Why even ask? I'll just find someone new.
多情人 無心人 無情人 多傷人 只要是被傷心的人喝一杯
The lovers, the ones who didn't care, the ones who hurt so many people... When they're feeling down, I buy 'em a drink.
有心人 無緣人 有緣人 斷腸人 何必再問 新人換舊人
The lovers, the ones who lost their chance, the ones who'll never be happy again... Why even ask? I'll just find someone new.
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