游鴻明 - Meng Po Tang - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 游鴻明 - Meng Po Tang

Meng Po Tang
Meng Po Tang
Meng Po Soup
如果真的有一種水 可以讓你讓我喝了不會醉
If there is really a kind of water that allows you to drink it without getting drunk
那麼也許有一種淚 可以讓你讓我流了不傷悲
Then perhaps there is a kind of tear that can make me cry without being sad
總是把愛看的太完美 那種豪賭一場的感覺
Always looking at love too perfectly, the feeling of gambling
今生輸了前世的諾言 才發現水已悄悄氾成了淚
This life has lost the promise of the previous life, only to find that water has quietly turned into tears
雖然看不到聽不到 可是逃不掉忘不了
Although unable to see or hear, it cannot be escaped, cannot be forgotten
就連枕邊的你的髮梢 都變成了煎熬
Even the hair on your pillow has become unbearable
雖然你知道我知道 可是淚在漂心在掏
Although you know I know, but tears are flowing, heart is being hollowed out
過了這一秒這一個笑 喝下這碗解藥
After this second, this smile, drink this bowl of antidote
忘了所有的好 所有的寂寥
Forget all the good, all the loneliness

Writer(s): You Hong Ming, Lin Li Nan

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