溫拿樂隊 - 齊心就事成 - traduction des paroles en anglais

齊心就事成 - 溫拿樂隊traduction en anglais

Together We Can Make It Happen
同心做事情 齊心就事成 心中有谷的不要驚
When we work together, we can achieve anything. Don't be afraid, even if you feel like you're lacking.
初生之虎不怕強勁 滿身幹勁 進步系無止境
A newborn tiger is not afraid of a challenge. It's full of energy and its progress is endless.
步步向前程 一啲啲去升 不必怕辛苦不必畏艱
Let's move forward step by step and slowly rise. Don't be afraid of hardship or difficulty.
應該要心堅立場定 拼出幹勁 事事做得精
You must have a strong heart and a firm stance. Work hard and do everything with excellence.
樣樣野落力 小小都要拼 同心做事情 齊心就事成
Put in the effort in everything you do, no matter how small. When we work together, we can achieve anything.
終須有一天舉世驚 終須有一天抑或唔定
One day, the world will be amazed by us. We'll show them what we're made of.
個個都會贊實在做得精 人人會話系認真夠醒
Everyone will praise us for our hard work. They'll say we're capable and intelligent.
寧願辛苦也不怨命 心堅始終會高昇
I'd rather work hard than complain about my fate. With determination, I will eventually succeed.
大家只要齊心努力 苦幹苦拼 天天去思考天天去拼
Let's work together and strive for success. Let's think and work hard every day.
吸收嚇新知識變強勁 個個都注意學問無止境
Let's learn new things to become stronger. Let's never stop learning.
樣樣野留神認真堅夾醒 始終有一天舉世驚
Let's pay attention to everything and be serious and hardworking. One day, the world will be amazed by us.
獅子一吼夠強勁 猛衝刺我地步步就高昇
A lion's roar is powerful. Let's charge forward and rise together.
Everyone must work hard. Even a tiger must fight for its place.


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