Dialogue: Hey, it's
2 PM, and it's really hot. I can't reach you, so I decided to...
Rap: 一個人 開車離開 到哪裡 看心情吧 最好是 很遼闊的地方
Rap: Drive off on my own. Where to? I'll decide when I get there. Somewhere with a great view,
例如說 有一整片天空跟海的地方 反正我巳經厭倦這裡
like a place with a vast sky and ocean. I'm tired of this place.
風經過臉頰 還帶著鹹鹹的細沙 車子裡的空氣 聞起來有一點Paris
The wind brushes my cheek, carrying salty grains of sand. The air in my car smells a bit like Paris.
連吹亂的頭髮 都十分野獸派的畫 愛上這種變化的自己
Even my windblown hair looks like a Fauvist painting. I'm loving this new, carefree me.
都市的擁擠 從照後鏡慢慢遠離
The city's hustle and bustle slowly recedes in my rearview mirror.
方向盤的右邊 只有一本哥德詩集
On my right, I have a book of Gothic poetry.
這條路這條路 一個人奢侈的孤獨
This road trip is a beautiful indulgence in solitude.
身體在漂浮 嗚 耶 隨便我要 怎麼走 都可以 穿過這片寂靜防風林 破爛的收音機 雜訊當復古的歌劇
My body feels weightless. Yes! I can do whatever I want, go wherever I want, through this silent windbreak forest. The broken radio plays static like a retro opera.
怎麼做 都可以 穿著洋裝躺在浪花裡 對天空輕輕哼 我最喜歡的旋律
I can do whatever I want, lie in the waves in my dress, and hum my favorite tune to the sky.
車子還在前進 方向我沒有要決定 就像那本詩集 從哪裡開始都可以
The car keeps moving, but I don't care where I end up. It's like that poetry book. I can start reading from anywhere.
午後的旅行 我不喜歡給它標題 反正就是 喔 隨性
I don't like labels for my afternoon trips. They're just, well, spontaneous.
Rap: 那瓶冰過的啤酒 水珠凝聚的很Italy 金色的托斯卡尼 只適合低音大提琴
Rap: That ice-cold beer, its condensation is very Italian. The golden Tuscany is only fit for a double bass.
普羅旺斯的雨季 聽說有薰衣草的氣息 戴上墨鏡 聽著破爛的收音機
The rainy season in Provence is said to have the scent of lavender. I put on my sunglasses and listen to the broken radio.
就讓一切從照後鏡慢慢慢慢慢慢的遠離 遠離
I let everything fade away in my rearview mirror, slowly, slowly.
午後的旅行 突然有一種心情 想要找妳和我 一起尋找達文西 在我的詩集上簽名
On this afternoon trip, I feel like finding you and searching for Da Vinci together, and having him sign my poetry book.
My windblown hair dances in the wind like a Fauvist painting. The waves ebb and flow, leaving nothing behind. I can do whatever I want, go wherever I want, through this silent windbreak forest. The broken radio plays static like a retro opera.
怎麼做 都可以 穿著洋裝躺在浪花裡 對天空輕輕哼 我最喜歡的旋律
I can do whatever I want, lie in the waves in my dress, and hum my favorite tune to the sky.
怎麼想 都可以 旁人連批評都 很規律 脖子上的砂礫 是我跟海風的豔遇
I can think whatever I want. Even critics have a routine in their disapproval. The sand on my neck is a memento of my affair with the sea wind.
一直的 往前進 暫時還沒想到目的地 一個人 踩油門 慢慢穿過了邊境
I keep moving forward, not thinking about the destination yet. I step on the gas and slowly cross the border.
慢慢穿過了邊境 還沒想到目的地 哼著自己的旋律
I cross the border, still without a destination, humming my own tune.
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