潘瑋柏 - 怎么着 - traduction des paroles en anglais

怎么着 - 潘瑋柏traduction en anglais

How do you do
Take you heart flying
怎么着 甩一甩 怎么着 动一动
How do you do shake it shake it how do you do move it move it
怎么着 不啰唆 跟着节奏点点头
How do you do don't nag follow the rhythm nod your head
自我介绍不用太多 这就是我
Don't need to introduce myself too much this is who I am
我只说 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着
I only say how do you do how do you do how do you do how do you do
怎么着 你好吗 怎么着 Hello
How do you do How are you how do you do Hello
怎么着 不啰唆 跟着节奏点点头
How do you do don't nag follow the rhythm nod your head
自我介绍不用太多 这就是我
Don't need to introduce myself too much this is who I am
我只说 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着
I only say how do you do how do you do how do you do how do you do
1980 8月6日 在这世上降落
Was born into the world on August 6th, 1980
3000公克的体重 皮肤嫩嫩红透透
Weighed 3000 grams with soft pink tender skin
姓潘名玮柏 爸的伟妈的柏
Surname Pan given name Wei Bo father's Wei mother's Bo
Loved to cry loved to laugh loved to quarrel loved to make a scene a bit hyperactive
但是我 不拐不抢不骗我也不会偷
But I don't swindle don't rob don't cheat I also don't steal
不对 我好像有偷过几本小说 非常愧疚
That's not true I seem to have stolen a few novels extremely guilty
小时候总会做错 但我在七岁时候
Always did things wrong when I was little but when I was seven
已成为班级领袖 黑人白人全都听我
Had become a class leader blacks whites all listened to me
七岁到台北之后 开始学bo po mo fo
Started to learn bo po mo fo after I moved to Taipei at seven
老妈说我总把bo po mo fo念成偷偷摸摸
My old mom said I always read bo po mo fo as sneakily
我的确不是神童 但心中有一个梦
I'm certainly not a prodigy but I had a dream in my heart
总有一天 我会唱歌表演给成千上万的观众
One day I'll sing perform in front of thousands and tens of thousands of audience
后来接触了篮球 打开了篮球的梦
Later got in touch with basketball opened the door to the dream of basketball
Blacks whites chinese fought hard 拼命地 on the court following me
我的脾气也暴躁许多 不可一世的摆出面孔
My temper also became a bit violent put on an arrogant face
因为战场上可以输给敌人 绝对不可以输给自我
Because on the battlefield you can lose to the enemy but you absolutely cannot lose to yourself
怎么着 还好吗 老师在说有听吗
How do you do are you okay is the teacher speaking are you listening
These experiences are what forged the current me
这就是我 Ohohoh
This is who I am Ohohoh
我还要Fly爱爱爱 Woo
I also want to Fly love love love Woo
怎么着 甩一甩 怎么着 动一动
How do you do shake it shake it how do you do move it move it
怎么着 不啰唆 跟着节奏点点头
How do you do don't nag follow the rhythm nod your head
自我介绍不用太多 这就是我
Don't need to introduce myself too much this is who I am
我只说 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着
I only say how do you do how do you do how do you do how do you do
怎么着 你好吗 怎么着 Hello
How do you do How are you how do you do Hello
怎么着 不啰唆 跟着节奏点点头
How do you do don't nag follow the rhythm nod your head
自我介绍不用太多 这就是我
Don't need to introduce myself too much this is who I am
我只说 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着
I only say how do you do how do you do how do you do how do you do
Take you heart flying
19岁漂洋过海 大学在美国加州
Went overseas to study at 19 university in California USA
Was invited to participate in a local singing competition showcased my singing voice
冠军宝座万人争夺 对手言语挑衅着我
A championship throne fought for by ten thousands of people opponents' words provoked me
但我也不甘示弱 Sorry bro 这张第七张喽
But I also was not willing to show weakness Sorry bro this is the seventh one
我不是超有自信 也没有多少魅力
I'm not overly confident also don't have much charm
身高不是太高 没有太多音乐上的经历和背景
My height is not very tall don't have much musical experience and background
但我遗传潘家的魄力 不服输持续的努力
But I inherited the Pan family's courage don't accept defeat continued to work hard
做什么事 一定要做到所有朋友们都看看得起
No matter what you do definitely need to do it all so that all my friends can look at me with admiration
我对歌迷说声感谢 让这个朋友哑口无言
I said thank you to the fans made that friend speechless
我的个性没有外表乍看那么的温柔No oh
My personality is not as gentle as it looks at first no oh
你要讨厌喜欢我笑我 我也不会啰唆
Whether you hate like me laugh at me I also won't nag
说我抄袭 膝伤作假 我也懒得反驳
Say that I plagiarized that my knee injury is faked I also am too lazy to refute
放心 我会加倍奉还 Back for more
Rest assured I will redouble my efforts Back for more
怎么着 现在对我挥手
How do you do now wave to me
How did you guys shake your heads at me when we first met
没差 我还是我 Ohohoh
It doesn't matter I am still me Ohohoh
我还要Fly爱爱爱 Woo
I also want to Fly love love love Woo
怎么着 甩一甩 怎么着 动一动
How do you do shake it shake it how do you do move it move it
怎么着 不啰唆 跟着节奏点点头
How do you do don't nag follow the rhythm nod your head
自我介绍不用太多 这就是我
Don't need to introduce myself too much this is who I am
我只说 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着
I only say how do you do how do you do how do you do how do you do
怎么着 你好吗 怎么着 Hello
How do you do How are you how do you do Hello
怎么着 不啰唆 跟着节奏点点头
How do you do don't nag follow the rhythm nod your head
自我介绍不用太多 这就是我
Don't need to introduce myself too much this is who I am
我只说 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着
I only say how do you do how do you do how do you do how do you do
怎么着 甩一甩 怎么着 动一动
How do you do shake it shake it how do you do move it move it
怎么着 不啰唆 跟着节奏点点头
How do you do don't nag follow the rhythm nod your head
自我介绍不用太多 这就是我
Don't need to introduce myself too much this is who I am
我只说 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着
I only say how do you do how do you do how do you do how do you do
怎么着 你好吗 怎么着 Hello
How do you do How are you how do you do Hello
怎么着 不啰唆 跟着节奏点点头
How do you do don't nag follow the rhythm nod your head
自我介绍不用太多 这就是我
Don't need to introduce myself too much this is who I am
我只说 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着 怎么着
I only say how do you do how do you do how do you do how do you do

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