潘瑋柏 - 怎麼著 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction en anglais 潘瑋柏 - 怎麼著

What's Up
怎麼著 【潘瑋柏。】
What's Up 【Wilber Pan】
(Dad Pan) Weibo is a very responsible kid,
After graduating high school, he worked part-time distributing flyers,
It was very hot that day, so he got heatstroke after returning from work,
Plus, he had a fever in the evening, so I told him he didn't need to come to work tomorrow,
But, the kid still went to work the next morning.
Because of his sense of responsibility, to this day, when he works,
He still upholds that responsibility and finishes things,
And he does it quite well.
怎麼著 甩一甩 怎麼著 動一動
What's up Shake it What's up Move it
怎麼著 不囉唆 跟著節奏點點頭
What's up No nonsense Nod your head to the rhythm
自我介紹不用太多 這就是我
No need for a long introduction This is me
我只說 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著
I just say What's up What's up What's up What's up
怎麼著 你好嗎 怎麼著 Hello
What's up How are you What's up Hello
怎麼著 不囉唆 跟著節奏點點頭
What's up No nonsense Nod your head to the rhythm
自我介紹不用太多 這就是我
No need for a long introduction This is me
我只說 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著
I just say What's up What's up What's up What's up
1980 8月6日 在這世上降落
August 6, 1980 I landed in this world
3000公克的體重 皮膚嫩嫩紅透透
3000 grams in weight Skin tender and red
姓潘名瑋柏 爸的偉媽的柏
Surname Pan, given name Weibo Dad's "Wei", Mom's "Bo"
Love to cry, laugh, make noise, and be a bit hyperactive
但是我 不拐不搶不騙我也不會偷
But I don't cheat, rob, lie, and I don't steal
不對 我好像有偷過幾本小說 非常愧疚
No wait, I did steal a few novels Very guilty
小時候總會做錯 但我在七歲時候
I often made mistakes as a child But by the age of seven
已成為班級領袖 黑人白人全都聽我
I became the class leader Blacks and whites all listened to me
七歲到台北之後 開始學bo po mo fo
After coming to Taipei at seven, I started learning bo po mo fo
老媽說我總把bo po mo fo念成偷偷摸摸
Mom said I always read bo po mo fo as "touch touch secretly"
我的確不是神童 但心中有一個夢
I'm certainly not a prodigy But I have a dream
總有一天 我會唱歌表演給成千上萬的觀眾
One day I will sing and perform for thousands of people
後來接觸了籃球 打開了籃球的夢
Later I came into contact with basketball Unlocked the dream of basketball
Blacks, whites, and Chinese fought hard and followed me on the court
我的脾氣也暴躁許多 不可一世的擺出面孔
My temper also became more irritable Putting on an arrogant face
因為戰場上可以輸給敵人 絕對不可以輸給自我
Because you can lose to the enemy on the battlefield But you can never lose to yourself
怎麼著 還好嗎 老師在說有聽嗎
What's up Are you okay Were you listening when the teacher was talking
These experiences are what made me who I am today
這就是我 Ohohoh
This is me Ohohoh
我還要Fly愛愛愛 Woo
I still want to Fly love love love Woo
怎麼著 甩一甩 怎麼著 動一動
What's up Shake it What's up Move it
怎麼著 不囉唆 跟著節奏點點頭
What's up No nonsense Nod your head to the rhythm
自我介紹不用太多 這就是我
No need for a long introduction This is me
我只說 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著
I just say What's up What's up What's up What's up
怎麼著 你好嗎 怎麼著 Hello
What's up How are you What's up Hello
怎麼著 不囉唆 跟著節奏點點頭
What's up No nonsense Nod your head to the rhythm
自我介紹不用太多 這就是我
No need for a long introduction This is me
我只說 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著
I just say What's up What's up What's up What's up
(Mom Pan) When Weibo was 10 months old,
We opened a grocery store in the United States,
One day, he accidentally fell headfirst from the cashier counter,
Fortunately, I caught his leg with one hand.
From that day on, I believed that he would have a blessed life after surviving such a disaster,
And would be very successful.
19歲漂洋過海 大學在美國加州
At 19, I crossed the ocean College in California, USA
Was invited to participate in a local singing competition to showcase my singing
冠軍寶座萬人爭奪 對手言語挑釁著我
The champion's throne was fiercely contested Opponents verbally provoked me
但我也不甘示弱 Sorry bro 這張第七張嘍
But I didn't back down Sorry bro This is the seventh one
我不是超有自信 也沒有多少魅力
I'm not super confident Nor do I have much charm
身高不是太高 沒有太多音樂上的經歷和背景
My height isn't that tall I don't have much experience and background in music
但我遺傳潘家的魄力 不服輸持續的努力
But I inherited the Pan family's spirit of not giving up and continuing to work hard
做什麼事 一定要做到所有朋友們都看看得起
Whatever I do, I have to make all my friends look up to me
第一張專輯之前 有人打到環球唱片
Before my first album, someone called Universal Records
Asking the company why they signed Wilber Pan and even released his album
我對歌迷說聲感謝 讓這個朋友啞口無言
I want to say thank you to my fans for leaving this friend speechless
Now I can write, produce, and even tour Asia
我的個性沒有外表乍看那麼的溫柔No oh
My personality is not as gentle as it seems on the outside No oh
你要討厭喜歡我笑我 我也不會囉唆
Whether you hate me, like me, or laugh at me I won't make a fuss
說我抄襲 膝傷作假 我也懶得反駁
Say I plagiarized, faked my knee injury I'm too lazy to argue back
放心 我會加倍奉還 Back for more
Don't worry I'll return the favor double Back for more
怎麼著 現在對我揮手
What's up You're waving to me now
Remember when we first met you shook your head at me
沒差 我還是我 Ohohoh
It doesn't matter I'm still me Ohohoh
我還要Fly愛愛愛 Woo
I still want to Fly love love love Woo
怎麼著 甩一甩 怎麼著 動一動
What's up Shake it What's up Move it
怎麼著 不囉唆 跟著節奏點點頭
What's up No nonsense Nod your head to the rhythm
自我介紹不用太多 這就是我
No need for a long introduction This is me
我只說 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著
I just say What's up What's up What's up What's up
怎麼著 你好嗎 怎麼著 Hello
What's up How are you What's up Hello
怎麼著 不囉唆 跟著節奏點點頭
What's up No nonsense Nod your head to the rhythm
自我介紹不用太多 這就是我
No need for a long introduction This is me
我只說 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著
I just say What's up What's up What's up What's up
(Wilber Pan) What's up, these are my life experiences, this is who I am;
No matter what others say or do, I'm still me.
I will keep working hard, I will keep striving.
Thank you to all the friends who have been a part of my life,
You may be in any corner of the world,
But you chose to accompany me,
And I, also thank you for everything you have given me,
That is you, you, and you.
怎麼著 甩一甩 怎麼著 動一動
What's up Shake it What's up Move it
怎麼著 不囉唆 跟著節奏點點頭
What's up No nonsense Nod your head to the rhythm
自我介紹不用太多 這就是我
No need for a long introduction This is me
我只說 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著
I just say What's up What's up What's up What's up
怎麼著 你好嗎 怎麼著 Hello
What's up How are you What's up Hello
怎麼著 不囉唆 跟著節奏點點頭
What's up No nonsense Nod your head to the rhythm
自我介紹不用太多 這就是我
No need for a long introduction This is me
我只說 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著 怎麼著
I just say What's up What's up What's up What's up
The End.

Writer(s): Wei Bai Pan

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