炎亞綸 - 一觸即發 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 炎亞綸 - 一觸即發

A Touch Away
只是不小心路過 那個一直迴避的街角 只是不經意 錯碰了那雙 你送的手套
I just so happened to pass by / That street corner I always avoid / I just accidentally / Brushed against that pair / Of gloves you gave me
哪位可惡的路人 塗了你最愛那種味道 咬醒了味蕾 偷偷鬆開了 記憶的發條
Which mean-spirited passerby / Applied your favorite scent / Awakened my taste buds / Secretly loosened / The spring of memories
我早就已經忘記 我已經沒有問題 一字一句說得連自己都心虛
I had already forgotten / I no longer had a problem / Every word I said / Even I felt guilty
我以為早就忘記 我甚至毀了證據 卻冷不防被回憶 將了軍
I thought I had forgotten / I even destroyed the evidence / But out of nowhere, I was checkmated / By memories
從開始怎麼相愛 到最後怎樣離開 難過愉快通通被翻出來 活生生展覽
From the beginning of how we fell in love / To the end of how we separated / The sad and happy were all dug up / Displayed as a live exhibition
一觸即發 我快要招架不來 回憶像病毒散開來 躲也躲不開
A touch away / I can barely hold on / Memories spread like a virus / There's no escape
早就將衣櫃手機甚至電腦 全部都丟掉 是誰從哪裡 抖出這一幀 甜蜜的合照
I had already thrown away my wardrobe, phone, and even computer / Who from where / Shook out this frame / Of our sweet photo
都怪那一紙帳單 提醒我你的生日快到 那幾個數字 殘酷打通了 記憶的穴道
Blame that bill / Reminding me your birthday is near / Those few numbers / Brutally opened / The acupuncture point of memory
把情歌聽成禱告 看沙發想到擁抱 愛情的殘骸原來我忘了打掃
Listening to love songs like prayers / Thinking of the sofa when I embrace / The wreckage of love, I had forgotten to clean up
回味牽手的味道 失去放手的力道 原來回憶能這樣 不人道
Recalling the taste of holding hands / Losing the strength to let go / Memories can be so / Inhuman
從開始怎麼相愛 到最後怎樣離開 難過愉快通通被翻出來 活生生展覽
From the beginning of how we fell in love / To the end of how we separated / The sad and happy were all dug up / Displayed as a live exhibition
一觸即發 我快要招架不來 回憶像病毒散開來 躲也躲不開
A touch away / I can barely hold on / Memories spread like a virus / There's no escape
你是誰 怎麼看都完美
Who are you? / Every time I look at you, you're perfect
我愛誰 只是無事生非
Who do I love? / It's just making trouble for nothing
想轉身 接過你的汗水
I want to turn and reach for your sweat
To prove that our feelings are not an illusion
從開始怎麼相愛 到最後怎樣離開 難過愉快通通被翻出來 活生生展覽
From the beginning of how we fell in love / To the end of how we separated / The sad and happy were all dug up / Displayed as a live exhibition
一觸即發 我快要招架不來 回憶像病毒散開來
A touch away / I can barely hold on / Memories spread like a virus
從開始怎麼相愛 到最後怎樣離開 難過愉快從來早有安排 放也放不開
From the beginning of how we fell in love / To the end of how we separated / The sad and happy were planned from the start / I can't let go
或許是我 一直捨不得放開 事過境遷也都記得 那些全是愛
Maybe it's me / Who's always been reluctant to let go / Time has passed, but I still remember / That it was all love

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