Kumachan - 再連絡(Bonus Track) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction Kumachan - 再連絡(Bonus Track)

再連絡(Bonus Track)
Keep in Touch (Bonus Track)
記得小時候 週末 我常窩在你研究室的
Remember when I was little and I used to spend my weekends in the corner of your study,
角落 默默 和你聽著羅大佑
listening to Luo Dayou with you and not making a sound,
看著你點火 抽煙斗 忙寫作 忙研究
watching you light your pipe, smoke, work on your writing, do your research,
忙應酬 電話裡你總對那些叔叔伯伯說
busy with social obligations, always telling those uncles and daddies on the phone,
再聯絡 在聯絡簿上我稚氣的字跡
Keep in touch. On my report card, my childish handwriting
今天日記的主題 偉人的事蹟 寫的全是你
would fill today's diary entry with the exploits of great men - and it was all about you,
最崇拜的人 也是我最敬愛的人
the person I admired most, the person I loved most.
我長大也想快點成為像阿爸一樣重要 無可取代的人
When I grew up, I wanted to become someone important and irreplaceable like my father,
someone respected wherever they went.
好驕傲我也姓熊 我心目中披披風的英雄
I was so proud to have the Xiong surname. You were my hero, my knight in shining armor.
你要我挺胸 講信用
You taught me to hold my head high and keep my word.
有一天當你離開 這個家 將由我扛起 I must be strong
When you left, I would have to carry on and I must be strong.
而當你離開 這個家 那年我十八
And when you left, I was eighteen.
隔著門 我聽見你們最後一次吵架
I overheard your last argument through the door.
I didn't realize that it would be the last time you would ever step out that door.
不回家的人 還算不算是家人?
If you don't come home, are you still part of the family?
你說 我們再聯絡
You said, we'll keep in touch,
我們就 各過各生活
we'll just live our own lives,
we each have our own emotions to deal with.
So 我們再聯絡
So, we'll keep in touch,
我們就 各過各生活
we'll just live our own lives,
we each have our own joys, sorrows, and woes.
大學的一個長假 回美國的娘家
During one of my long college breaks, Mom went back to her娘家in the States.
你把身邊事情 放下 終於回來
You dropped everything and finally came home.
陪我兩個禮拜 想也奇怪 當你再
You stayed with me for two weeks. It was strange. When you returned to your study,
回到你的書房 好像你從來都沒有離開
it was like you had never left.
一切彷彿回到從前你 坐在客廳的沙發椅
Everything seemed to go back to the way it was before. You sat on the couch in the living room,
一起吃著甜點 看著衛視電影台
and together we ate dessert and watched movies on the satellite TV.
而那熟悉的煙草味 不知道為何
That familiar smell of tobacco, for some reason,
格外的刺鼻 刺激出眼角的淚
was particularly pungent, causing tears to well up in the corners of my eyes.
直到媽媽回來的前夕 你站在大門口
On the eve of Mom's return, you stood at the front door,
背對著我 回過頭 對我說 再聯絡
your back to me. You turned your head and said, "Keep in touch."
... I couldn't believe my ears.
再聯絡 怎麼會對我說 再聯絡 才終於想透
Keep in touch? Why would you say that to me? Then it finally dawned on me:
事實是 最後一次 同個屋簷下的生活
the truth was that this was the last time we would live under the same roof.
我過著平凡日子 日復一日 將它蹉跎
I lived an ordinary life, letting each day slip away.
看著你 騎著單車 離去的背影
As I watched your背影as you rode away on your bike,
慢慢融入背景 止不住的悲 淚水潰了堤
slowly fading into the background, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing.
你說 我們再聯絡
You said, we'll keep in touch,
我們就 各過各生活
we'll just live our own lives,
we each have our own emotions to deal with.
So 我們再聯絡
So, we'll keep in touch,
我們就 各過各生活
we'll just live our own lives,
we each have our own joys, sorrows, and woes.
But oh don't you know it hurt me so
But oh, don't you know it hurt me so?
Don't you know 再聯絡 以為只對外人說
Don't you know that I thought we only said, "Keep in touch" to outsiders?
曾幾何時他口中的外人 竟然也會變成是我 no
When did I ever think that one day, he would consider me an outsider? No!
But oh don't you know I miss you so
But oh, don't you know I miss you so?
有時候: 我會夢到我在舊家 他就坐在客廳的舊沙發
Sometimes I dream that I'm back in our old home and you're sitting on the old couch in the living room.
我走向他 他摸摸我的頭 撥亂我的頭髮
I walk over to you, and you pat my head and ruffle my hair.
如今你兩岸奔波 心血也有了成果
Now you travel back and forth across the strait, and your hard work has paid off.
每兩三個月才能見面 見面時你白髮又增多
I only get to see you every two or three months, and every time I do, I see more gray hairs.
Mom thinks about you all the time too.
搬家時整理著照片 一不小心又掉入回憶畫面裡
When we moved, I was going through some old photos and I got lost in the memories.
前幾天 我又夢見 我回到從前
A few days ago, I dreamt again that I had gone back to my childhood,
回到那懵懂的童年 破鏡又重圓
back to that innocent time when the mirror was unbroken and we were together again.
But when I woke up, the wound was torn open again.
我用力的把頭 按進枕頭裡 還是不能夠止血
I pressed my head into the pillow as hard as I could, but I still couldn't stop the bleeding.
But when I think about you and me, fishing by the stream in the countryside,
or when you lifted the manhole cover to retrieve my lost toy,
陪我玩四驅車 逛玩具展 騎單車到碧潭
or when you played with my toy cars, took me to toy exhibitions, or rode your bike to Bitan,
才知道 失去的不曾失去 遺憾的不值得遺憾
I realize that what I have lost, I haven't really lost, and what I regret, I shouldn't regret.
正因為誰也沒有能力 奪走我們的回憶
Because no one can take away our memories.
謝謝你 讓他們回味起 仍如此美麗
Thank you for making them memories that are still so beautiful.
複雜世界裡 單純的情感未曾改變過
In this complex world, our simple emotions have never changed.
阿爸 我愛你 我們再聯絡
Dad, I love you. We'll keep in touch.
你說 我們再聯絡
You said, we'll keep in touch,
我們就 各過各生活
we'll just live our own lives,
we each have our own emotions to deal with.
So 我們再聯絡
So, we'll keep in touch,
我們就 各過各生活
we'll just live our own lives,
we each have our own joys, sorrows, and woes.
But oh don't you know I miss you so
But oh, don't you know I miss you so?
有時候 夢到我在舊家
Sometimes I dream that I'm back in our old home
你就 坐在舊沙發上對我說
and you're sitting on the old couch, and you say to me,
你說: 'I miss you so'
You say, "I miss you so."
你的手 播亂我的頭髮
Your hand ruffles my hair.
But that memory is so far, so far
But that memory is so far, so far.

Writer(s): Xin Kuan Xiong

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