片霧烈火 - アルカディア・パレード - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 片霧烈火 - アルカディア・パレード

Arcadia Parade
常夏に惑わされ いざ行かんっ!
Darling, let's go and get lost in the eternal summer!
Dance forever at the Arcadia Parade!
太陽がギラギラ ちょいとフラフラ熱中症 それならお祭り日和カモ?
The sun is blazing, making us a little dizzy and heat-stricken. But hey, that just means it's the perfect day for a festival, right?
ヤシの実もハジケる 疑惑マラカス騒動 早い者勝ちで仲間入り
The coconuts are bursting with joy, and the maracas are causing a commotion. Join the fun while you still can!
逆らうならおやつ抜きよッ? キラメキのマイ帝国 栄光あれv
If you dare to disobey, you'll miss out on snacks! My empire of sparkles will reign supreme.
赤道直下で 今日も目指すわ 独裁三味
Under the scorching sun, I aim to conquer the tropical paradise.
姫はイ・ツ・モご所望ッ 金よ! ご飯よ!
My princess, you always demand the best. Gold! Food!
熱帯雨林の ど真ん中で ムチ打ち遊びも
In the heart of the rainforest, I even play with whips.
何でも叶えられそう 極楽ユートピア☆
Anything is possible in this utopian paradise.
青い海キラ☆ユラ 水遊びもいいけどね ひとまず降伏準備して?
The shimmering blue sea is tempting, but maybe we should surrender first?
歯向かうなら草むしりよッ? トキメキのマイ帝国 繁栄あれv
If you defy me, you'll be weeding the garden! My empire of excitement will flourish.
弱肉強食 掴み取るわ 屋台エルドラド
Survival of the fittest, and I'll seize the street food Eldorado.
跪け下僕たちッ 日が沈んでも
Kneel before me, my subjects. Even as the sun sets...
偉大尊大に ドコまででも 走りましょうとも
With grandeur and majesty, we'll run as far as our legs can carry us.
星空アドバイスで 近道しちゃおう
The stars will guide us and show us the shortcuts.
前人未到の ジャングルにて ネオンを贈呈?
Unexplored jungles await, where I'll offer you dazzling neon lights.
姫はモ・ッ・トご所望ッ 愛も! プリンも!
My princess, you desire even more. Love! Pudding!
唯我独尊に 傍若無人 何がいけないの?
I am the embodiment of ego and self-indulgence. What's wrong with that?
全てが叶えられる だってワタシだもんっ
Everything is within my reach because I am who I am.
常夏に終わらない いざ行かんっ!
The eternal summer never ends. Let's go, my love!
The Arcadia Parade will continue forever!
逆ら『生意気な 』うなら『見てなさい』おやつ抜きよッ『マジで...』
If you dare to be sassy, I'll cut off your snacks. Seriously...
歯向か『なんだと 』うなら『このおっ』草むしりよ『暑イー』
If you defy me, you'll be weeding the grass. How hot is that?

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