玖壹壹 - Working Holiday - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 玖壹壹 - Working Holiday

Working Holiday
Working Holiday
小時候 學過鋼琴書法還上安親班
When I was a kid, I learned piano, calligraphy, and went to cram school
Now I'm in a foreign country, picking fruit and collecting eggs
不怕苦也不怕難 不在乎流血流汗
I'm not afraid of hardship or difficulty, and I don't care about bleeding or sweating
為了生活 為了鈔票 再苦的工作我都幹
For life, for money, I'll do any job, no matter how hard
The sun has given me prostatitis
I work hard to earn money and think about my mother
Looking at the sky, I wonder where my home is
惦記著家人說的話 弄點錢就回家
Remembering what my family said, I'll make some money and go home
我來到這個地方 再看看這邊月亮
I came to this place and looked at the moon here
和我的家鄉一樣 他只是不同景象
It's the same as my hometown, it's just a different scene
我開始回頭望 我開始回頭想
I started to look back, I started to think
What will I be in the future
Hey, I want to go back now
我聽無 English 我都講台語
I don't understand English, I speak Taiwanese
這實在 crazy
This is crazy
Hey, I really want to go back
I ran over a big rat
I′m say sorry
I’m sorry
I was scared to death
(阿美啊 阿霖啊 阿忠啊 阿財啊)
(Ameh, Alin, Azhong, Acai)
(我會保重 保重 保重 保重)
(I'll take care, take care, take care, take care)
我要打造一片天 買張機票要飛南邊
I want to create a new world, buy a plane ticket and fly south
找個工作把合約簽 不管是一年或兩年
Find a job and sign a contract, it doesn't matter if it's for a year or two
根本不怕吃任何苦 採個水果或殺個豬
I'm not afraid of any hardship, picking fruit or killing pigs
從早到晚 只吃兩餐 把錢存滿 我就回台灣
From morning to night, only two meals a day, save up my money and I'll go back to Taiwan
汗水流的血液 週末逛個 market
Sweat and blood, go to the market on weekends
最好朋友泡麵 五六個人在一起住
Best friends eat instant noodles, five or six people living together
我想念老家朋友 開著視訊喝酒
I miss my old friends, open video calls and drink together
一切OK 高舉酒杯 等我回歸 i'm rich man
Everything is OK, raise your glass, wait for me to come back, I'm a rich man
我來到這個地方 再看看這邊月亮
I came to this place and looked at the moon here
和我的家鄉一樣 他只是不同景象
It's the same as my hometown, it's just a different scene
我開始回頭望 我開始回頭想
I started to look back, I started to think
What will I be in the future
Hey, I want to go back now
我聽無 English 我都講台語
I don't understand English, I speak Taiwanese
這實在 crazy
This is crazy
Hey, I really want to go back
I ran over a big rat
I was scared to death
每天工作 (多的要死)
Working every day (so much)
薪水都給 (仲介奪取)
Salary is all given to (agents)
我的 baby (對人走去)
My baby (goes to others)
How unlucky can I be
Hey, I want to go back now
我聽無 English 我都講台語
I don't understand English, I speak Taiwanese
這實在 crazy
This is crazy
Hey, I really want to go back
I ran over a big rat
I'm say sorry
I’m sorry
I was scared to death

Writer(s): 廖建至, 陳皓宇, 洪瑜鴻

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