玖壹壹 - 再會中港路Remix - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 玖壹壹 - 再會中港路Remix

Farewell to Zhonggang Road- Remix
踩著沉重的腳步 一步一步向前行
Stepping heavily forward with each step
為了生活 我要來去出外打拼
To make a living I'll have to go venture out
不甘愛我的七仔 故鄉疼我的親戚
Missing my beloved child, my hometown relatives who care
感謝爸爸的祝福 媽媽滷的豬腳
Thanking Dad's blessings, Mom's braised pig's feet
我跟自己說 我一定要成功
I tell myself I really have to succeed
再會啦 我的台中 再會啦 我的故鄉
Farewell, my Taichung, farewell, my hometown
已經沒退路 我只有向前衝
There's no more road back, I must push through
我心愛的伊 你就要體諒
My beloved darling, you must understand
我來到陌生的地方 找尋最初的夢想
I've come to a strange place to pursue my first dream
都是為了咱的夢 做一個成功的少年人
All for our dream, to become a successful young man
啦啦啦啦啦 我的中港路要再會啦
La la la la la la my Zhonggang Road farewell
啦啦啦啦啦 帶著成功回到我的家
La la la la la la returning home with success
Missing my hometown, drinking cup after cup of liquor
只有孤單 一路上來陪阮作伴
Only loneliness accompanies me on the road
日頭落山 不怕艱苦拼出咱的名
The sun sets, unafraid of the hardships to make a name
月娘若光 我唱出思念故鄉的歌
The moon shines, I sing the song of missing my hometown
出外走江湖 注定就要吃苦
Venturing out, destined to suffer
不管是做黑手 還是來釘版模
No matter if I become a laborer or a carpenter
我會把所有的苦 來當吃補
I'll take all the hardships as supplements
我一定成功 回來我的中港路
I will succeed, returning to my Zhonggang Road
我來到陌生的地方 找尋最初的夢想
I've come to a strange place to pursue my first dream
都是為了咱的夢 做一個成功的少年人
All for our dream, to become a successful young man
是時候 該要揮手 不能再像過去這麼揮霍
It's time, to wave goodbye, no more squandering like before
媽的私房錢他握手中 就算再不捨 只能讓手鬆
Mom's private savings in my hands, even if it's hard, I must let go
現在幾點鐘 背包身上背 沉重的腳步行李地上推
What time is it now, backpack on my back, heavy luggage on the floor
單薄的襯衫讓風在吹 車票是候補 但沒座位
A thin shirt in the wind, a waiting ticket, but no seat
離鄉到陌生的地方 獨立的少年人
Leaving home to a strange place, as an independent young man
幫自己來完成夢想 心裡有著成功的信仰
Fulfilling my own dreams, with the belief of success
讓爸媽感到驕傲 別再讓他們感到焦躁
Making Mom and Dad proud, no more anxiety
我聞到家鄉的味道 回到熟悉的中港街道
I smell the scent of home, returning to the familiar Zhonggang Road
啦啦啦啦啦 我的中港路要再會啦
La la la la la la my Zhonggang Road farewell
啦啦啦啦啦 帶著成功回到我的家
La la la la la la returning home with success

Writer(s): 陈皓宇,洪瑜鸿,廖建至

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