玖壹壹 - 打鐵 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 玖壹壹 - 打鐵

Bar Crawl
我剛下班油 今天禮拜幾 今天剛好禮拜六
I just got off work sweetheart. What day is it today? Oh yeah it's Saturday.
我要喝啤酒要把妞 準備要打鐵瞜
I need you to get some beers and get ready, it's time to go bar crawl.
要去哪裡喝 要聽要聽甚麼歌
Where should we go drink? What kind of music do you want to listen to?
不管Disco電音 嘻哈 還是你都聽芭樂
Whether it's disco, electronic, hip-hop, or even pop music, anything's fine with me.
夜生活萬歲 打鐵無罪 我年輕就是本錢
Cheers to the nightlife, bar crawling is not a crime, while I'm young let's make the most of it.
隔天又要宿醉 沒必要贖罪 生活就是這麼的乾脆
Even if I get a hangover tomorrow, I don't need to repent, life is just that simple.
每天都喝到茫茫 視線保持盲盲
Every day I drink until I can't see straight. I stumble around as I walk.
走路都很慌張 打鐵完就在剛剛
I just finished bar crawling a little bit ago.
你今天別回家 今晚打鐵Night
Don't go home my love. Tonight let's bar crawl all night long.
Quickly grab your brothers and sisters, neighbors, and friends, and let's go together.
喔那個辣妹那麼辣 阿呀我的媽
Oh my gosh, that girl is so hot, she's smokin' hot.
After work today, are you down to go bar crawling with us or not?
喔來吧打鐵 I'm 打鐵 superman
Come on let's bar crawl, I'm a bar crawling Superman.
來看我跳的最高我是Super mario
Watch me jump and touch the ceiling, I'm like Super Mario.
我派對Everyday 又遇見我的妹
I party every day, and once again I met my girl.
Just like You Ji and Long Hui, he fell in love with Makiyo.
喔哇 這打鐵嗨到爆
Oh wow, this bar is lit.
還有人吹口哨 就連在包廂都有人在嗑藥
Someone is even whistling, and some people are doing drugs in the private room.
沒煩惱 隨身帶保險套 不怕被仙人跳
No worries, I always bring protection, I'm not afraid of getting set up.
If there aren't enough girls, just give me a call and I'll bring some more.
你今天別回家 今晚打鐵Night
Don't go home my love. Tonight let's bar crawl all night long.
Quickly grab your brothers and sisters, neighbors, and friends, and let's go together.
喔那個辣妹那麼辣 阿呀我的媽
Oh my gosh, that girl is so hot, she's smokin' hot.
After work today, are you down to go bar crawling with us or not?

Writer(s): 陳皓宇

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