玖壹壹 - 男子漢的浪漫 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 玖壹壹 - 男子漢的浪漫

A Man's Romance
你說我太不夠浪漫 總是無法討你喜歡
You say I'm not romantic enough I can never please you
不管什麼事情 都叫你看著辦
No matter what I do You always tell me what to do
常常會不善於表達 不代表與我無關
I'm often bad at expressing myself Doesn't mean I don't care
One day you'll understand a man's romance
You say I always leave you home alone
I just don't want you to breathe the bad air outside
I'm afraid you'll go to the department store and buy Gucci again
It's not that I'm stingy I just hope you can spend it more wisely
我說你長發很美 你卻說我在講幹
I say your long hair is beautiful But you say I'm talking nonsense
別人都說我們很配 動作都一樣很慢
Everyone says we're a good match We both move very slowly
我時常叫你煮飯 是因為愛你的味道
I often ask you to cook Because I love the way you taste
只有你懂我的習慣 所以都叫你打掃
Only you understand my habits That's why I always ask you to clean up
你說你累累累累累了 想要出國去桑幾勒
You say you're tired tired tired You want to go abroad to relax
我說一定有機會的 要去就去好幾個月
I say we'll definitely have a chance If we go we'll go for several months
省點錢少買幾雙鞋 開店給你在一中街
Save some money Buy a few less pairs of shoes Open a shop for you on Yizhong Street
一起努力鈔票好幾迭 過程像百科全書好幾頁
Let's work together and make a lot of money The process is like an encyclopedia with many pages
Sunset sunset
Sunset sunset
It's my nickname for you (It's your nickname)
Sunset sunset
Sunset sunset
我不會隨便讓你哭(My baby)
I won't let you cry carelessly (My baby)
你說我太不夠浪漫 總是無法討你喜歡
You say I'm not romantic enough I can never please you
不管什麼事情 都叫你看著辦
No matter what I do You always tell me what to do
常常會不善於表達 不代表與我無關
I'm often bad at expressing myself Doesn't mean I don't care
One day you'll understand a man's romance
每到深夜房間變成法院 開啟了偵查線
Every night the room becomes a courtroom The interrogation begins
先問你跟我媽溺水 而我會先救誰
You ask me first If you and my mother were drowning Who would I save?
當然先救我媽你白痴嗎 你怎會問這種廢話
Of course I'd save my mother Are you an idiot? Why would you ask such a stupid question?
心裡的話總是不敢說 我一定先救你啊(嗯嘛)
I never dare to say what's on my mind I would definitely save you first (Of course)
I promised to take you to Tokyo and Paris
I don't have any vacation days We'll go to Xizhi and Bali first
When you're unhappy You always tell your friends I'm lying to you
It doesn't matter We have plenty of time I'll definitely take you there
把薪水都交給你 這是不可能的代誌
It's impossible to give you all my salary
你的世界太過夢幻 我勸你別再看韓劇
Your world is too dreamy I advise you to stop watching Korean dramas
But you are my one and only (Like the chicken leg in a lunch box)
你的人生有我 世界真美麗
My life is beautiful because of you
I love you
I don't say this often but I keep it in my heart
I love you
這一句話有點噁心 我把最好都給你
These words are a bit disgusting I give you all the best
你說我太不夠浪漫 總是無法討你喜歡
You say I'm not romantic enough I can never please you
不管什麼事情 都叫你看著辦
No matter what I do You always tell me what to do
常常會不善於表達 不代表與我無關
I'm often bad at expressing myself Doesn't mean I don't care
One day you'll understand a man's romance
One day you'll understand a man's romance

Writer(s): 廖建至, 陳皓宇, 洪瑜鴻

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