琳琳 - 致那个玩音乐的哥们儿 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 琳琳 - 致那个玩音乐的哥们儿

To the Guy Who Plays Music
那时候背着一把木吉他 他就想闯天下
Back then carrying a wooden guitar, he wanted to conquer the world
Drumsticks in hand, he wanted to drum everywhere
他也有梦想 想当个艺术家
He also had a dream, to be an artist
Oh, or maybe starting a band would be more realistic
他留起长发 跟着音乐晃啊晃
He grew long hair, swaying to the music
Singing until his voice turned hoarse
欧巴 你要我还是他
Oppa, do you want me or him?
你看 他的女友开始造反了吧
Look, his girlfriend is starting to rebel
当有一天 所有人都不理解 你的世界你的音乐
When one day, everyone stops understanding your world, your music
请不要放弃 不要轻易说再见
Please don't give up, don't say goodbye so easily
当有一天 所有的灵感褪去 你再也找不到感觉
When one day, all inspiration fades away, you can't find the feeling anymore
请看看自己 看看最初的信念
Please look at yourself, look at your original belief
当有一天 我们都败给时间 各自生活都有所改变
When one day, we all lose to time, our lives have all changed
请不要叹息 这是成长的历练
Please don't sigh, this is the experience of growth
当有一天 我们耋耋之年 还能一起玩音乐
When one day, we are old and gray, can we still play music together?
请看看彼此 对他说一声感谢
Please look at each other and say thank you

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