璽恩 - A Dog's Life - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 璽恩 - A Dog's Life

A Dog's Life
A Dog's Life
被腌制过的月光 那段咸咸的沧桑
Salty moonlight was pickled, that part of the past is salty
犬类的语言被风干 被忽略遗忘
The canine language was dried by the wind, ignored and forgotten
被囚禁过的目光 瞳孔感觉很受伤
Eyes that were once imprisoned, the pupils feel so hurt
尊严被人捆绑 深夜里族群骚动不安
Dignity was tied up by other people, late at night the pack is restless
就像狗一般 这句话难堪
They say, like dogs, these words are bitter
灵敏的想像 对家卑微的渴望
Keen imagination, a humble desire for home
那人们偶尔好玩 施舍个几餐
People sometimes play around, giving charity for a few meals
就这样 开始被人豢养(沮丧)
Just like this, start to be raised by humans (depressing)
犬之道 的形状 一句话叫善良
The shape of the way of the dog, in a word, it's kindness
累了就晒晒太阳 急了找电线杆
If you're tired, then go out and get some sun, if you're anxious, go find a power pole
We're actually easy to take care of
犬之道 的形状 一句话叫善良
The shape of the way of the dog, in a word, it's kindness
偶尔撒一些小谎 咬骨头抢地盘
Occasionally telling little lies, biting bones, fighting over territory
We're actually very funny
世界粉饰太多妆 很多真理转了弯
The world is covered in too much make-up, a lot of truths have been twisted
族人被喂养 驯服的白白胖胖
The pack has been domesticated, domesticated to be chubby and white
它们却嫌我们脏 忠诚给错了对象
They think we're dirty, their loyalty is misplaced
失去渴望 对自由的想像
Losing desires, and the imagination of freedom
尾巴摇晃 看换角度想想 到处都是床
Wagging their tails, looking at it from a different perspective, everywhere's a bed
城市转角暗巷 是撒野的好地方
The dark alleys on the corners of cities, are great places to go wild
到处都有垃圾场 食物很多样
There's trash everywhere, all sorts of food
每天逛 在城市里游荡
Walking around every day, wandering in the city
犬之道 的形状 一整遍懒洋洋
The shape of the way of the dog, is one big lazy mess
无聊时抓抓小强 在学猫舔手掌
When bored, catch cockroaches, learn to lick palms like cats
We don't get sad easily
犬之道 的形状 一个字念勇敢
The shape of the way of the dog, in one word, it's bravery
有人靠近会张望 乱叫给主人看
If someone gets close, we'll look out and bark for our owners to see
We're low-key and not boastful

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