羅志祥 - 從愛發落 - TV Drama “Roommates” Opening Theme Song - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 羅志祥 - 從愛發落 - TV Drama “Roommates” Opening Theme Song

從愛發落 - TV Drama “Roommates” Opening Theme Song
From Love to Ruin - TV Drama “Roommates” Opening Theme Song
Oh yeah, yeah
沒錯 我欠你愛的債 從愛發落不用還
You're right, I owe you a debt of love, from love to ruin, I don't have to repay
溫柔崇拜 任性耍賴 值得你慷慨
Gentle adoration, willful petulance, you deserve your generosity
你欠我愛的債 再也離不開
You owe me a debt of love, you can't leave anymore
沒有辦法 誰叫你需要我的愛
Oh, there's no way, who told you you need my love
甜言蜜語不會說 最愛看你又出糗
I'm not good at sweet talk, I love to see you make a fool of yourself
聽到你飽滿怒吼 精神多抖擻
Hearing your full roar, my spirit is lifted
說你始終搞不懂 竟然自己不識貨
You say you never understand why you don't know what you have
天下男人那麼多 偏偏選中我
There are so many men in the world, but you chose me
誰最需要我 不解釋
Who needs me most, no explanation
誰最想念我 不掩飾
Who misses me most, no pretense
撒嬌耍賴 對愛多固執
Coquettish and willful, so stubborn about love
誰最怕寂寞 不解釋
Who fears loneliness most, no explanation
傻的是 一輩子
The fool is a lifetime
Used to compete for who is more childish
沒錯 我欠你愛的債 從愛發落不用還
You're right, I owe you a debt of love, from love to ruin, I don't have to repay
溫柔崇拜 任性耍賴 值得你慷慨
Gentle adoration, willful petulance, you deserve your generosity
你欠我愛的債 再也離不開
You owe me a debt of love, you can't leave anymore
沒有辦法 誰叫你需要我的愛
Oh, there's no way, who told you you need my love
就衝著我發脾氣 趕走眉頭的烏雲
Just get angry with me and chase away the clouds on your brow
傳家的開門家訓 要一起開熏
The family's door-opening motto is to have fun together
就是人太好才會 鍛練你變得機靈
I'm just too good a person to train you to be smart
彷彿擁有超能力 誰打得倒你
As if I have superpowers, who can defeat you
我最需要誰 不解釋
Who do I need most, no explanation
我最想念誰 不掩飾
Who do I miss most, no pretense
灑脫是我 生存的方式
Freedom is my way of life
我最愛什麼 不解釋
What do I love most, no explanation
傻的是 一輩子
The fool is a lifetime
Used to fight for the same thing
沒錯 我欠你愛的債 從愛發落不用還
You're right, I owe you a debt of love, from love to ruin, I don't have to repay
溫柔崇拜 任性耍賴 值得你慷慨
Gentle adoration, willful petulance, you deserve your generosity
你欠我愛的債 再也離不開
You owe me a debt of love, you can't leave anymore
沒有辦法 誰叫你需要我的愛
Oh, there's no way, who told you you need my love
活該 你欠我愛的債 從愛發落不用還
It's your fault, you owe me a debt of love, from love to ruin, I don't have to repay
眼淚太酸 寂寞太壞 怪我太浪漫
Tears are too sour, loneliness is too bad, blame me for being too romantic
我欠你愛的債 再也離不開
I owe you a debt of love, I can't leave anymore
沒有辦法 誰叫你就是我的愛
Oh, there's no way, who told you you're my love

Writer(s): Zhi Wen Du

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