羅文裕 - 放心去旅行 (國客版) (客家電視臺「出境事務所」主題曲) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 羅文裕 - 放心去旅行 (國客版) (客家電視臺「出境事務所」主題曲)

放心去旅行 (國客版) (客家電視臺「出境事務所」主題曲)
Go Travel with Peace of Mind (National Guest Version) (Hakka TV Station's "Out境Office" Theme Song)
人生的風景 有風也有雨
There are winds and rains in the scenery of life
我們總在旅途中不斷找尋 自己
We are always searching for ourselves on the journey
或許有些話 不需要說明
Perhaps some words do not need to be said
這一次 准許你 不告而別
This time, I allow you to leave without saying goodbye
Go travel with peace of mind
我知道 你去了更美的地方
I know you have gone to a more beautiful place
不再有眼淚 也不再有悲傷
No more tears, no more sadness
當我想你 我會抬頭看天上
When I miss you, I will look up at the sky
當你也想我 就到我夢裡逛逛
When you miss me, come visit my dreams
My smile is your favorite look
I will try my best to be brave as usual
時間的網 留住了美好過往
The web of time retains the beautiful past
終究會翻越 心裡的那一道牆
I will eventually climb over that wall in my heart

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