草蜢 - 我要跳舞 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 草蜢 - 我要跳舞

I Want to Dance
Turn off the computer screen
宅在家里 时间都虚度
Stay home and waste time
青春别荒芜 跳到街上留住
Don't let your youth go to waste, dance in the street
每一个 凌乱脚步
Every chaotic step
加班到麻木 生活只剩下忙碌
Overtime makes you numb, life is only busy
想法总要附和别人 很无辜
Always have to agree with others, it's so innocent
抛下面具的束缚 暂时不要在乎
Let go of the restraints of masks and don't care for the time being
游戏规则其实 可有可无
The rules of the game are actually optional
失去了 面向爱情的路
Lost the way to love
失去了 被爱的幸福
Lost the happiness of being loved
失去了 付出以后对的领悟
Lost the realization after giving
让节奏 在你脑海埋伏
Let the rhythm haunt your mind
忘了吧 年龄是废物
Forget it, age is useless
跳个够 让热情提高好几度
Dance enough to raise the enthusiasm several degrees
到街上狂舞 就让路人都羡慕
Dance wildly in the street and let everyone envy you
你拥有自由的 企图
You have the freedom to do whatever you want
不需要说服 没时间盲目
No need to persuade, no time to be blind
遗憾的事情 痛的回忆
Regretful things, painful memories
Dismiss them all now
Be the master of your own joy, anger, sorrow and happiness
不需要说服 房门关不住
No need to persuade, the door can't be closed
穿最潮衣服 换上笑脸
Wear the most fashionable clothes and put on a smile
Let everyone see clearly
Who is the most outstanding in this world
我要跳舞 我要欢呼
I want to dance, I want to cheer
每天都是主角 就是我的态度
Every day is the protagonist, that's my attitude
我要跳舞 我要征服
I want to dance, I want to conquer
让感动不会老 用生命 去追逐
Let the touch never grow old, chase it with my life
让汗水 湿透身体
Let sweat soak my body
Like a source of energy, if there's less happiness, just add more
用力的跳 药到病除
Dance hard, it's a cure-all
用力的跳 不随便屈服
Dance hard, don't give up easily
用汗水 溅湿我们
Let sweat splash on us
是一种力量 青春谁敢不服
It is a kind of power, who dares to不服青春
用力的跳 魅力十足
Dance hard, it's so charming
用力的跳 我灿烂夺目
Dance hard, I'm radiant
我要跳舞 我要欢呼
I want to dance, I want to cheer
每天都是主角 就是我的态度
Every day is the protagonist, that's my attitude
我要跳舞 我要征服
I want to dance, I want to conquer
让感动不会老 用生命 去追逐
Let the touch never grow old, chase it with my life
Soak your body
像一种能量 快乐少了就补
Like a source of energy, if there's less happiness, just add more
用力的跳 药到病除
Dance hard, it's a cure-all
用力的跳 不随便屈服
Dance hard, don't give up easily
用汗水 溅湿我们
Let sweat splash on us
是一种力量 青春谁敢不服
It is a kind of power, who dares to不服青春
用力的跳 魅力十足
Dance hard, it's so charming
用力的跳 我灿烂夺目
Dance hard, I'm radiant
让汗水 湿透身体
Let sweat soak my body
像一种能量 快乐少了就补
Like a source of energy, if there's less happiness, just add more
用力的跳 药到病除
Dance hard, it's a cure-all
用力的跳 不随便屈服
Dance hard, don't give up easily
欢迎你 来到我那 动感的国度
Welcome to my dynamic kingdom
每一秒钟 全身都满足
Every second, my whole body is satisfied
放肆的跳 像野兽依附
Dance unrestrained, like a savage beast
不休息 不停顿 眼神在 搜寻猎捕
No rest, no pause, eyes searching for prey
我要跳舞 我要欢呼 我要放逐
Come on, I want to dance, I want to cheer, I want to be free
快来 大放异彩 颠倒众生 像救世主
Come on, shine, amaze the world, like a savior
快来 我要跳舞 我要征服 我要放逐
Come on, I want to dance, I want to conquer, I want to be free
快来 大放异彩 颠倒众生 都抓不住
Come on, shine, amaze the world, they can't catch me

Writer(s): calvin choy, he qi hong

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