葉文輝 & 方皓玟 - 好心分手 (合唱) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 葉文輝 & 方皓玟 - 好心分手 (合唱)

好心分手 (合唱)
Good Intentioned Breakup (Duet)
(女): 是否很驚訝 講不出說話 沒錯我是說 你想分手嗎
(Female): Are you surprised? Can't seem to speak? That's right, I'm talking about you, do you want a break up?
曾給你馴服到 就像綿羊 何解會反咬你一下 你知嗎
I tamed you once like a sheep, how come you suddenly bit me? Do you know that?
(男): 也許該反省 不應再說話 放棄的我 應有此報嗎
(Male): Perhaps I should reflect, I shouldn't talk anymore. Should those I give up be rewarded like this?
如果我曾是個壞牧羊人 能否再讓我 試一下 抱一下
If I was once a bad shepherd, can you let me try again? Let me hold you once.
(女): 回頭望 伴你走 從來未曾幸福過
(Female): Looking back, I've never been happy following you.
(男): 恨太多 沒結果 往事重提是折磨
(Male): There's too much hatred, no results. Recalling the past is torment.
(女): 下半生 陪住你 懷疑快樂也不多
(Female): If I spend the rest of my life with you, I doubt there will be much joy.
(男): 被我傷 讓你痛
(Male): I hurt you so much that I made you suffer.
(女): 好心一早放開我 重頭努力也坎坷 統統不要好過
(Female): It would be better to let me go sooner, starting over is rough for me. Let's both suffer together.
(男): 為何唱著這首歌 為怨恨而分手 問你是否原諒我
(Male): Why do we sing this song, breaking up out of spite? I want to ask if you can forgive me.
(女): 若注定有一點苦楚 不如自己親手割破
(Female): If there is bound to be some misery, I might as well cut myself open.
(男): 回頭吧 不要走 不要這樣離開我
(Male): Come back, don't leave, don't leave me like this.
恨太多 沒結果 往事重提是折磨
There's too much hatred, no results. Recalling the past is torment.
(女): 下半生 陪住你 懷疑快樂也不多
(Female): If I spend the rest of my life with you, I doubt there will be much joy.
沒有心 別再拖 好心一早放開我 重頭努力也坎坷
I have no heart, let's not drag this on anymore. It would be better to let me go sooner, starting over is rough for me.
Let's both suffer together.
(男): 為何唱著這首歌 為怨恨而分手 問你是否原諒我
(Male): Why do we sing this song, breaking up out of spite? I want to ask if you can forgive me.
(女): 若勉強也分到不多 不如什麼也摔破
(Female): If we force it, there won't be much left anyway, I might as well smash everything.
(男): 好心分手 每天播
(Male): We play "Good Intentioned Breakup" every day.
(女): 可知歌者也奈何
(Female): You must know, the singer feels helpless too.
(女): 難行就無謂再拖 好心一早放開我 重頭努力也坎坷
(Female): If it's hard, let's not drag this on anymore. It would be better to let me go sooner, starting over is rough for me.
Let's both suffer together.
(男): 為何唱著這首歌 為怨恨而分手 問你是否原諒我
(Male): Why do we sing this song, breaking up out of spite? I want to ask if you can forgive me.
(女): 若注定有一點苦楚 不如自己親手割破
(Female): If there is bound to be some misery, I might as well cut myself open.

Writer(s): Wyman Wong, Mark Lui

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