蔡依林 - 唇語 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 蔡依林 - 唇語

Lip Reading
多神秘 你玩曖昧遊戲
So mysterious, you're playing the game of ambiguity
萬人迷 因為有揭不完的迷
A万人迷 because you have an endless enigma
死心塌地久了 沒趣他就忘了珍惜你
Devotedly, but in time, without a thrill, he forgets to cherish you
綁架他的心 就讓他留有遐想餘地
Captivate his heart, leaving room for his imagination
若即若離 給點不給點的關係
Hot and cold, a relationship of give and take
給他一座島嶼 沒收他一片陸地
Give him an island, but not a continent
給他一段唇語 啟動他無窮想像力
Offer a whisper, unlocking his boundless imagination
浪漫關係 讓他去追 那得不到的美麗
A romantic affair, a pursuit of an unattainable beauty
解讀你的唇語 霧裡探花有多刺激
Deciphering your lip language, exploring a hidden blossom is so thrilling
越是模稜 越是挑釁
Ambiguity is provocation
挑逗好奇 以退為進
Piquing curiosity, advancing through retreat
多風趣 你愛聲東擊西
Oh, how whimsical, you love misdirection
他努力 因為你給他假想敵
He persecutes because you offer him an imaginary enemy
就算他已無懈可擊 你也假裝小挑剔
Even if he's unassailable, you playfully criticize
偶爾像貓咪撒嬌 他就會束手就擒
Occasionally acting coquettish, he readily surrenders
愛他再深 也絕對不輕易揭底
Though deeply in love, never fully reveal yourself
讓他保持 對你愛不釋手的距離
Let him maintain a tantalizing distance
給他一段唇語 啟動他無窮想像力
Offer a whisper, unlocking his boundless imagination
浪漫關係 讓他去追 那得不到的美麗
A romantic affair, a pursuit of an unattainable beauty
解讀你的唇語 霧裡探花有多刺激
Deciphering your lip language, exploring a hidden blossom is so thrilling
越是模稜 越是挑釁
Ambiguity is provocation
挑逗好奇 以退為進
Piquing curiosity, advancing through retreat
給他一段唇語 啟動他無窮想像力
Offer a whisper, unlocking his boundless imagination
浪漫關係 讓他去追 那得不到的美麗
A romantic affair, a pursuit of an unattainable beauty
解讀你的唇語 霧裡探花有多刺激
Deciphering your lip language, exploring a hidden blossom is so thrilling
越是模稜 越是挑釁
Ambiguity is provocation
挑逗好奇 以退為進
Piquing curiosity, advancing through retreat

Writer(s): Sheng Feng Huang, Liang Jin Xing

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