蔡依林 - Dancing Diva (Breakdown Stomp Mix) - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 蔡依林 - Dancing Diva (Breakdown Stomp Mix)

Dancing Diva (Breakdown Stomp Mix)
Dancing Diva (Breakdown Stomp Mix)
~~~~ 前奏 ~~~~
~~~~ Prelude ~~~~
在我們的故事 寫下結局前 請你聆聽最後尾奏 的音樂
In the story of us, before the ending, please listen to the music of the last ending
幸福漸遠 心跳漸弱 回音在休止符後停留了 好久
Happiness faded away, heartbeat weakened, and the echo paused for a long time after the rest
當每一個當下 變成過去後 自由也許是離人們 的折磨
When every moment becomes the past, freedom may be a torture from people
在狂歡時寂寞 從絕望裡復活 才明白 愛會隨時間 逐漸成熟
In the loneliness of狂歡, reviving from despair, I understand that Love will mature with time
從那一天 原諒你的瞬間 我不過情人節 我和未來 不再相戀
From that day on, the moment I forgive you, I only miss Valentine's Day, I and the future will no longer fall in love
愛斷了線 於是我每天都 過想你的離人節
Love is broken, so I spend every day thinking about your Valentine's Day
不再見面 不代表我 不再對你想念
Not seeing each other again does not mean that I no longer think about you
你是曾經的永遠 會永遠 在我身邊
You are the forever of the past, and you will always be by my side
~~~~ 間奏 ~~~~
~~~~ Interlude ~~~~
當每一個當下 變成過去後 自由也許是離人們 的折磨
When every moment becomes the past, freedom may be a torture from people
在狂歡時寂寞 從絕望裡復活 才明白 愛會隨時間 逐漸成熟
In the loneliness of carnival, reviving from despair, I understand that love will mature with time
從那一天 放開你的瞬間 我不過情人節 除非未來 還會出現
From that day on, the moment I let you go, I only miss Valentine's Day, unless the future will still appear
愛斷了線 我如何能不再 過想你的離人節
Love is broken, how can I stop missing you on Valentine's Day
希望這是 最後一次 向最愛說再見
I hope this is the last time to say goodbye to my love
也希望下個永遠 會永遠 在我身邊
I also hope the next forever will always be by my side
~~~~ END ~~~~
~~~~ END ~~~~

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