蔡卓妍 - 生还者 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 蔡卓妍 - 生还者

好胜的你 嗜好爱收藏 要四出猎奇
You're so competitive, you love to collect things, you have to go on a wild goose chase
爱侣给你 当趣怪珍藏 要更多不厌弃
Your partner is your funny little collectible, you can't get enough of them
你的宝库里 有各种展品怎媲美
Your treasure chest has all sorts of exhibits, how can it compare?
没歇止占据 似怪僻行为可鄙
You keep taking over, like some kind of strange and despicable behavior
仍遗憾曾遇上 极度真心爱你
I still regret that I met you, I loved you so much
遗憾曾做你 患难知己
I regret that I was your confidante
而你竟糟蹋我更冷酷地 炫耀着我做战利
But you ruined me and flaunted me as a trophy
一生给你杀死 狠心不留余地
You killed me in one blow, leaving no room for mercy
你太好戏 两脚放几船 也惯於处理
You're so good at playing games, you're good at handling things
世界得你 哪会有安全 禁闭应是无期
The world is yours, where can you be safe? You should be locked up for life
你有否对我 说过真心话真希冀
Did you ever tell me the truth? I really hope so
有否想过我 也有感觉会伤悲
Have you ever thought about me? I have feelings too, I can get hurt
仍遗憾曾遇上 极度真心爱你
I still regret that I met you, I loved you so much
遗憾曾做你 患难知己
I regret that I was your confidante
而你竟糟蹋我更冷酷地 炫耀着我做战利
But you ruined me and flaunted me as a trophy
醉驾司机 若祸及他人
Drunk drivers, if they hurt others
Will still say sorry
但是看你 傲慢不羁
But look at you, you're so arrogant
犯罪视作趣味 愈望愈恨你
You see crime as fun, I hate you more and more
遗憾曾遇上 极度真心爱你
I still regret that I met you, I loved you so much
遗憾曾做你 患难知己
I regret that I was your confidante
而你竟糟蹋我更冷酷地 炫耀着我做战利
But you ruined me and flaunted me as a trophy
遗憾曾遇你 落入魔鬼两臂
I regret that I met you, I fell into the devil's arms
遗憾曾为你 绝望找死
I regret that I tried to kill myself for you
而你竟欢送我去到墓地 还道谢厚着脸皮
But you sent me to my grave and thanked me with a straight face
当心失蹄逃避 晚景凄凉无味
Be careful not to fall, your old age will be bleak and tasteless

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