蔡淳佳 - 等一个晴天 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 蔡淳佳 - 等一个晴天

Waiting for a Sunny Day
陽光中 風箏斷了線 往事般 落在我面前
With sunny sky, a kite broke its string. Like the past, it landed right before me.
那是誰 忘了放風箏握緊一點 撿起了 那年的秋天
Who was that, forgetting to hold onto it tight? Then picked up that autumn long ago.
陽光中 我住雨裡面 你給我 風箏和藍天
With sunny sky, I was trapped in the rain. And the kite you gave me brought sunshine.
那是我 忘了將幸福握緊一點 感謝你最後的相約
That was me, forgetting to cherish tightly. You gave me that final farewell.
等一個晴天 我們會再相見 你說了 風吹我就聽見
Waiting for a sunny day. We will see each other again. You said when wind blows, I will hear.
笑著說再見 就一定會再見 心晴朗 就看得到永遠
Smiling as we say goodbye, no doubt we will meet again. The sun in my heart will let me see forever.
陽光在 撫摸我的臉 感覺到 你還在身邊
The sunshine caresses my skin, feels like you are close to me.
那是秋 牽回憶的手溫暖一點 我獨自 散步在昨天
That was autumn, warming memories a little more. I walk alone in yesterday.
陽光在 照亮你的臉 難忘你 微笑的雙眼
The sunshine lights up your face. Those smiling eyes are unforgettable.
那是你 讓離別可以晴朗一點 你背影我目送到今天
You made separation bearable. Your back, I watch till today.
等一個晴天 我們會再相見 你說了 風吹我就聽見
Waiting for a sunny day. We will see each other again. You said when wind blows, I will hear.
笑著說再見 就一定會再見 心晴朗 就看得到永遠
Smiling as we say goodbye, no doubt we will meet again. The sun in my heart will let me see forever.
等一個晴天 我們會再相見 你說了 風吹我就聽見
Waiting for a sunny day. We will see each other again. You said when wind blows, I will hear.
笑著說再見 就一定會再見 心晴朗 就看得到永遠
Smiling as we say goodbye, no doubt we will meet again. The sun in my heart will let me see forever.
因為很想念 每天都是晴天 心晴朗 就看到永遠
Because you are missed so much, everyday is sunny. The sun in my heart will let me see forever.
陽光中 風箏飛上天 你笑著 回到我面前
With sunny sky, the kite flies high in the sky. You smile and return before me.
讓我像 那風箏貼著天空的臉 讓愛是今生不斷的線
Let me be like that kite, touching the sky's face. And let love be the unbreakable string of our life.

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