蕭敬騰 - 複製人 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 蕭敬騰 - 複製人

我對世人有一個不解疑問 很像的人可曾複製靈魂
I have a question that I can't solve for the world Is it possible to clone a soul for someone who looks like you?
不同靈魂是否接收不到一樣的疼 有相同的特徵 在清晨 你無法區分
Is it possible that different souls don't receive the same pain? You have the same characteristics. You can't tell the difference in the morning.
要如何製造替身 死心時微笑還會活生生 你說愛就要學悔恨 我卻不要你得逞
How to create a substitute? You still smile when you're broken-hearted. You said that if you love, you have to learn to regret, but I don't want you to succeed.
給你沒知覺的肉身 表面複製於愛你這個人 我承諾還得以完成 只是那不是我在等
I'll give you a body that doesn't feel anything. It looks like I love you. I promise to finish it, but that's not what I'm waiting for.
你的雙唇 是繃帶也是刀刃 安慰我時在自尊刻傷痕
Your lips are both a bandage and a blade. When you comfort me, you cut my self-esteem.
這段愛情一寸寸誘惑我引火自焚 你是一種頑症 想痊癒 卻欲罷不能
This love seduces me inch by inch to set myself on fire. You are a stubborn disease. I want to be cured, but I can't stop.
要如何製造替身 死心時微笑還會活生生 你說愛就要學悔恨 我卻不要你得逞
How to create a substitute? You still smile when you're broken-hearted. You said that if you love, you have to learn to regret, but I don't want you to succeed.
給你沒知覺的肉身 表面複製於愛你這個人 我承諾還得以完成 只是那不是我
I'll give you a body that doesn't feel anything. It looks like I love you. I promise to finish it, but that's not me.
我是個沒有愛的人 那不是我 在等
I'm a man without love. That's not me. I'm waiting.

Writer(s): Li Si Song, Si Song Li, Tian Tian

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