Ψ As brother and sister We won't hurt each other's feelings
▼ 天不靈 地不靈 天下大亂發神經
▼ Heaven is not effective Earth is not effective The world is in chaos
▼ 你太入迷 我太清醒 十萬八千里
▼ You are too obsessed I am too sober Ten thousand miles apart
▼ 我乾杯 你隨意 管他野火燒不盡
▼ I cheers You are free to do whatever you want
▼ 今夕何夕 隨心所欲 無事一身輕
▼ Today is what day Follow your heart and do whatever you want
⊙ 雲淡風也輕 花飛花舞花滿天 色不迷人人自迷
⊙ The clouds are light and the wind is gentle Flowers fly and dance Flowers fill the sky The colors are not mesmerizing People are mesmerizing themselves
∮ 老天搞不定 命運我自己擺平
∮ Heaven can't fix it Fate I handle myself
∮ 善解人意 百無禁忌
∮ Understanding and open-minded
∮ 愛久會麻痹 不愛也沒有關係
∮ Love will become numb Not loving is also okay
∮ 稱兄道弟 不傷感情
∮ As brother and sister We won't hurt each other's feelings
△ 天不靈 地不靈 天下大亂發神經
△ Heaven is not effective Earth is not effective The world is in chaos
△ 你太入迷 我太清醒 十萬八千里
△ You are too obsessed I am too sober Ten thousand miles apart
△ 我乾杯 你隨意 管他野火燒不盡
△ I cheers You are free to do whatever you want
△ 今夕何夕 隨心所欲 無事一身輕
△ Today is what day Follow your heart and do whatever you want
● 霧裏看風景 愛與恨分明 風裏來 浪裏去 別在意
● In the fog, looking at the scenery Love and hate are clear Coming in the wind Going out in the waves Don't care
Υ 天不靈 地不靈 天下大亂發神經
Υ Heaven is not effective Earth is not effective The world is in chaos
Υ 你太入迷 我太清醒 十萬八千里
Υ You are too obsessed I am too sober Ten thousand miles apart
Υ 我乾杯 你隨意 管他野火燒不盡
Υ I cheers You are free to do whatever you want
Υ 今夕何夕 隨心所欲 無事一身輕
Υ Today is what day Follow your heart and do whatever you want
∵ 霧裏看風景 愛與恨分明 風裏來 浪裏去 別在意
∵ In the fog, looking at the scenery Love and hate are clear Coming in the wind Going out in the waves Don't care
" T h e E n d
" T h e E n d
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