蛋堡Soft Lipa - Hit the Rhyme - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 蛋堡Soft Lipa - Hit the Rhyme

Hit the Rhyme
Hit the Rhyme
在我開始押韻之前 我從節拍裡偷閒
Before I begin to rhyme, I take a break from the beat
Putting the relaxed melody and comfortable vocals aside
我先聲明一點 不用艱深的字眼
I'll make one point before I begin, no need for complex words
My lyrics flow as if I'm a dictionary, endless
這是我目標 我想要走的路 and
This is my goal, the path I want to take and
Rhyme opens the door to imagination
可以談天說地 像一群朋友睡在通舖
Can chat about anything, like friends sleeping in a dormitory
可以單刀直入 無拘束
Can be direct and unconstrained
Use the most common words to express rich thoughts
Let you experience every pain and joy as if it were your own
我收服人心的方法so cool 用旋律節拍征服
My way of winning hearts is so cool, using melody and rhythm to conquer
聽到這裡你 就這樣被我征服
Hear me out, you'll be conquered just like that
It's old skool 人是念舊的動物
It's old school but humans are nostalgic creatures
看! 我是這樣烹煮我的soul food
Look! This is how I cook my soul food
旋律大鼓和小鼓 and I hit the rhyme too
Melody, bass drum and snare drum and I hit the rhyme too
I hit the rhyme 找出最簡單的方法
I hit the rhyme, find the easiest way
Hit the rhyme 似乎是最好的回答
Hit the rhyme, seems to be the best answer
Don't ask me why 怎麼說呢? 怎麼說呢? 總之我
Don't ask me why? How do you say it? How do you say it? Anyway, I
Hit the rhyme Like this! Like this! Like this!
Hit the rhyme Like this! Like this! Like this!
你期待我給你什麼? 為什麼? 要怎麼?
What are you expecting me to give you? Why? How?
To make you happy and free of burdens?
So I choose to appear like an ordinary person
有料卻簡單 人人買得起的孔雀餅乾
Rich but simple, peacock crackers that everyone can afford
我喜歡 認真而不要太嚴肅
I like to be serious but not too serious
偶爾主觀 但大家都接受的程度
Subjective sometimes, but generally accepted
不用講的太深 想像空間卻自然延伸
No need to go too deep, imagination flows naturally
我講的太真 你嘆了嘆說 「幹! 真的!」
I speak too truthfully, you sigh and say, "Damn! Really!"
Maybe you say I'm just ordinary
太軟的flow沒法讓人虎虎生風 但是
My flow is too soft to make people excited, but
Only something light can float
我靜悄悄地 不消太嘮叨 會讓你亂糟糟呢
I am quiet, I don't nag too much, it will make you messy
我招了 從我腦海撈的想法不特別
I confess, the ideas in my mind aren't special
But the feeling is most important
看! 我是這樣押韻不斷 其他先不管
Look! This is how I rhyme, forget the rest
在我的show time just hit the rhyme!
In my show time, just hit the rhyme!
I hit the rhyme 找出最簡單的方法
I hit the rhyme, find the easiest way
Hit the rhyme 似乎是最好的回答
Hit the rhyme, seems to be the best answer
Don't ask me why 怎麼說呢? 怎麼說呢? 總之我
Don't ask me why? How do you say it? How do you say it? Anyway, I
Hit the rhyme Like this! Like this! Like this!
Hit the rhyme Like this! Like this! Like this!
If every song is my child
嗯... 我想大部分是女孩子
Well... I think most are girls
像是鄰家女孩 是那樣可愛
Like the girl next door, so lovely
有輕微近視 戴上眼鏡又變女教師
Slightly nearsighted, but becomes a school teacher when she puts on her glasses
讓你不斷點頭稱是 但連紳士
Making you nod in agreement, even the gentleman
也幻想是 學生兼職
Fantasizes about being a student part-timer
是的我堅持 獻上她們是我天職
Yes, I insist on presenting them, it is my mission
誰能拋開偏執 就能先馳得點
Whoever can break away from prejudice can lead
They are more gentle and more reserved
和我一樣熱愛自由 so沒有門禁
Love freedom as much as I do, so they have no curfew
隨便 你帶她 去哪裡 都可以
You can take her anywhere you want
出現 在CD 隨身聽 maybe TV
Appearing on CD, Walkman, maybe TV
Appearing wherever you want to go
出現在每個夜晚陪你進入夢鄉 (night)
Appearing every night, accompanying you to sleep (night)
當她們陪我出現 請歡呼鼓掌
When they appear with me, please cheer and applaud
能得獎的押韻 讓我keep it on
The rhyming that can win awards, let me keep it on
I hit the rhyme 找出最簡單的方法
I hit the rhyme, find the easiest way
Hit the rhyme 似乎是最好的回答
Hit the rhyme, seems to be the best answer
Don't ask me why 怎麼說呢? 怎麼說呢? 總之我
Don't ask me why? How do you say it? How do you say it? Anyway, I
Hit the rhyme Like this! Like this! Like this!
Hit the rhyme Like this! Like this! Like this!
I hit the rhyme 找出最簡單的方法
I hit the rhyme, find the easiest way
Hit the rhyme 似乎是最好的回答
Hit the rhyme, seems to be the best answer
Don't ask me why 怎麼說呢? 怎麼說呢? 總之我
Don't ask me why? How do you say it? How do you say it? Anyway, I
Hit the rhyme Like this! Like this! Like this!
Hit the rhyme Like this! Like this! Like this!

Writer(s): Zhen Xi Duo

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