蛋堡Soft Lipa - 找王A - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 蛋堡Soft Lipa - 找王A

Finding Wang A
我問王A 吃飽沒? 沒? 不然出來逛逛?
I asked Wang A if he's had enough to eat? No? Then let's go out for a walk?
走啦! 別牽拖! 要不要一句話?
Let's go! Don't hesitate! Should I just say it?
隨便穿 短褲拖鞋 最近比較熱
Wear whatever you want, shorts and sandals. It's been hot lately.
久沒找 如果沒邀他 他都沒邀我
Haven't seen you in a while. If I didn't invite you, you wouldn't invite me.
沙加里巴不要? 不然來吃夜市
Don't want Shagariba? Okay, let's go eat night market food.
遇到員警 沒戴安全帽的都是他
Ran into the police. Look, everyone without a helmet is him.
好加在 那個隊長是我爸的叔伯兄弟
Luckily, the captain is my dad's uncle's brother.
Even if I want to take off my pants, I'm not afraid of him.
他說他戒了 現在比較沒抽煙
He said he quit, and now he doesn't smoke as much.
他說這攤的菁仔不錯 有摻梅子粉
He said the oyster omelet here is pretty good. It has plum powder in it.
我叫他要吐吐准 吐到我我會超滾
I told him to spit accurately, because I'll be really disgusted if he spits on me.
就像尿尿噴到自己 就是角度不夠標準
Like when you pee and it gets on yourself. It's because your angle isn't right.
菜粽這間 阿豆花就要那攤
Get zongzi from this stall and tofu pudding from that one.
現在放假 這裡都是一些小孩
It's summer break now, so there are a lot of kids here.
喔! 還有人穿得這麼 hip hop
Oh! And some people are dressed so hip hop.
我快來占位 不然會等到打哈欠流口水
I'm going to go save a seat, or else we'll wait until we're yawning and drooling.
若說到王A 那蒜頭這樣加也不會歹勢
When it comes to Wang A, he adds garlic like this and doesn't feel embarrassed.
說到王A 一雙鞋五千塊也買下去
When it comes to Wang A, he spends five thousand dollars on a pair of shoes.
若說到王A 再難吃他也不會浪費
When it comes to Wang A, no matter how bad the food is, he never wastes it.
他家做水電的 什麼他都處理的很好
His family does plumbing, and he's good at everything he does.
說到王A 吊嘎拖鞋去哪都不會歹勢
When it comes to Wang A, he wears a tank top and flip-flops everywhere.
若說到王A 他家叫他幫忙 都沒抱怨過
When it comes to Wang A, his family asks him for help, and he never complains.
說到王A 跟他出去你就準備被他揶
When it comes to Wang A, if you go out with him, be prepared to be teased by him.
他是王A 他是他是他是王A
He's Wang A. He's the one who is Wang A.
吃到超飽 先來海安路坐一下
I'm so full. Let's go sit on Haian Road for a while.
時間還早 在那開講 喝一下
It's still early. We can hang out there, have a drink.
打一下電話 看妹仔還是朋友
Make some phone calls. See if you want to hang out with girls or friends.
先邀來打牌 晚點再來喝酒
Invite them to play cards first, then we'll go drink later.
阿打給阿峰了嗎? 有通嗎?
Did you call Ah-feng? Did he answer?
′喂?' 接起來半天 卻沒講話
'Hello?' He answered after a long time, but didn't say anything.
嘿! 不要想睡 這理由不通過
Hey! Don't think about going to sleep. That's not an acceptable excuse.
你沒來可惜內 王A講話最好笑
You'd regret it if you didn't come. Wang A is the funniest.
時間差不多了 好來離開椅子桌子
Okay, it's about time. Let's get up and leave.
有人贏得很腥 有人輸得臉很臭 阿你們不是很好?
Some people won a lot, and some people lost so badly. Aren't you guys usually very good?
快點 東西有拿嗎 鑰匙 口袋有嗎 你的左腳?
Hurry up. Do you have everything? Keys? Wallet? Your left foot?
王A還拿著一支雞翅在那啃 啃完又想要邀人出來玩
Wang A is still holding a chicken wing and gnawing on it. He's probably going to invite someone out again.
吃一個卻又餓起來 跑去吃牛肉湯
He ate one and got hungry again. He's going to go eat beef soup.
吃完 看還有要喝酒嗎 不然好來返
After you finish eating, do you want to go drink some more? Or should we just go home?
若說到王A 那蒜頭這樣加也不會歹勢
When it comes to Wang A, he adds garlic like this and doesn't feel embarrassed.
說到王A 一雙鞋五千塊也買下去
When it comes to Wang A, he spends five thousand dollars on a pair of shoes.
若說到王A 再難吃他也不會浪費
When it comes to Wang A, no matter how bad the food is, he never wastes it.
他家做水電的 什麼他都處理的很好
His family does plumbing, and he's good at everything he does.
說到王A 吊嘎拖鞋去哪都不會歹勢
When it comes to Wang A, he wears a tank top and flip-flops everywhere.
若說到王A 他家叫他幫忙 都沒抱怨過
When it comes to Wang A, his family asks him for help, and he never complains.
說到王A 跟他出去你就準備被他揶
When it comes to Wang A, if you go out with him, be prepared to be teased by him.
他是王A 他是他是他是王A
He's Wang A. He's the one who is Wang A.
無聊我都找王A作夥 無聊我都找王A
When I'm bored, I always look for Wang A. When I'm bored, I always look for Wang A.
無聊我都找王A作夥無聊 我都找王A
When I'm bored, I always look for Wang A. When I'm bored, I look for Wang A.
無聊我都找王A作夥 無聊我都找王A
When I'm bored, I always look for Wang A. When I'm bored, I always look for Wang A.
無聊我都找王A作夥 無聊我都找王A
When I'm bored, I always look for Wang A. When I'm bored, I look for Wang A.
若說到王A 那蒜頭這樣加也不會歹勢
When it comes to Wang A, he adds garlic like this and doesn't feel embarrassed.
說到王A 一雙鞋五千塊也買下去
When it comes to Wang A, he spends five thousand dollars on a pair of shoes.
若說到王A 再難吃他也不會浪費
When it comes to Wang A, no matter how bad the food is, he never wastes it.
他家做水電的 什麼他都處理的很好
His family does plumbing, and he's good at everything he does.
說到王A 吊嘎拖鞋去哪都不會歹勢
When it comes to Wang A, he wears a tank top and flip-flops everywhere.
若說到王A 他家叫他幫忙 都沒抱怨過
When it comes to Wang A, his family asks him for help, and he never complains.
說到王A 跟他出去你就準備被他揶
When it comes to Wang A, if you go out with him, be prepared to be teased by him.
他是王A 他是他是他是王A
He's Wang A. He's the one who is Wang A.
若說到王A 那蒜頭這樣加也不會歹勢
When it comes to Wang A, he adds garlic like this and doesn't feel embarrassed.
說到王A 一雙鞋五千塊也買下去
When it comes to Wang A, he spends five thousand dollars on a pair of shoes.
若說到王A 再難吃他也不會浪費
When it comes to Wang A, no matter how bad the food is, he never wastes it.
他家做水電的 什麼他都處理的很好
His family does plumbing, and he's good at everything he does.
說到王A 吊嘎拖鞋去哪都不會歹勢
When it comes to Wang A, he wears a tank top and flip-flops everywhere.
若說到王A 他家叫他幫忙 都沒抱怨過
When it comes to Wang A, his family asks him for help, and he never complains.
說到王A 跟他出去你就準備被他揶
When it comes to Wang A, if you go out with him, be prepared to be teased by him.
他是王A 他是他是他是王A
He's Wang A. He's the one who is Wang A.
他是王A 我是王A 你是王A...
He's Wang A. I'm Wang A. You're Wang A...

Writer(s): Zhen Xi Du

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