蛋堡Soft Lipa - 鄉愁 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 蛋堡Soft Lipa - 鄉愁

Soft Lipa 來自顏社
Soft Lipa from Yanzi
這首歌獻給所有 想家的朋友
This song is dedicated to all of my friends who miss home
而對於每種背景離鄉的鄉愁都 大致相同
And for every kind of background that leaves home, the homesickness is largely the same
I will find one of these kinds from your memories
會讓你想哭的人不只講故事 也曾經照顧著你像是小護士
The person who makes you want to cry doesn't just tell stories but also takes care of you like a little nurse
他看著網路的相簿打開了窗戶 他吸吐想be cool空氣裡散佈著
He looks at the online photo album and opens the window. He inhales and wants to be cool. The air is filled with
淡淡的哀愁 像老歌一首 緊接著他眉頭一皺又往回憶走
Faint sadness, like an old song. Then he frowns and walks back to his memories
那裡的家鄉 那景象海邊的夕陽 學校的磚牆 讓人興奮的漆黑的停車場
The hometown there, the scene, the sunset by the sea, the brick walls of the school, the dark parking lot that made people excited
The old-fashioned snacks that you want to eat, the scene of buying them by queuing up
牽手的情侶開心地淋雨 而那先走的朋友成為異鄉的行旅
The lovers holding hands and getting drenched in the rain happily. And the friends who left first become travelers in a foreign land
最後 上車前那車錢握在手裡背著勉勵 和期許是卸不下的行李
Finally, before getting on the bus, the bus fare in hand, with encouragement and expectations, is the luggage that cannot be unloaded
不斷地走 他不斷地找 印象中的路口 車不那麼吵
He keeps walking, he keeps looking for the intersection in his memory, where the cars are not so noisy
他離開的戶口 父母不斷地老 他不斷地走 他不斷地找
The household registration he left, the parents keep getting older, he keeps walking, he keeps looking for
尋找令人懷念的飯菜 尋找令人平靜的狀態
Looking for nostalgic food, looking for a peaceful state
他的路 等待超越的障礙 家的方向模糊了放在心裡
His path, waiting for the obstacles to be overcome, the direction of home is blurred and placed in his heart
當他來到big city 來到這big city他背著太多期待他不許失敗
When he comes to the big city, he comes to this big city, he carries too many expectations, he is not allowed to fail
除非成功否則回不去了 他知道自己不錯他可以不過
Unless he succeeds, he can't go back. He knows he's not bad, he can survive
得先習慣這城市中的冷漠 得先習慣高樓大廈的輪廓
He needs to get used to the indifference in this city, he needs to get used to the silhouette of high-rise buildings
He needs to get used to the dirty air and climate change, he needs to get used to the decadent nightlife
看著他們change J.O.B 買I P.O.D 流行O.R.Z 他呢
Watching them change J.O.B, buy I P.O.D, trend O.R.Z. What about him?
踏步在原地像絕地武士運用原力抓住發光的 夢想在揮舞著
Stepping on the spot like a Jedi, using Force, grasping the shining dream that is waving
當他又邁開腳步 穿梭在高樓間的小路 或往返不同顏色的車廂
When he strides again, shuttling through the small alleys between the high-rise buildings, or commuting in different colored carriages
He watches them walk in such a hurry and even run in panic. That pace is not what he yearns for
不斷地走 他不斷地找 印象中的路口 車不那麼吵
He keeps walking, he keeps looking for the intersection in his memory, where the cars are not so noisy
他離開的戶口 父母不斷地老 他不斷地走 他不斷地找
The household registration he left, the parents keep getting older, he keeps walking, he keeps looking for
尋找令人懷念的飯菜 尋找令人平靜的狀態
Looking for nostalgic food, looking for a peaceful state
他的路 等待超越的障礙 家的方向模糊了放在心裡
His path, waiting for the obstacles to be overcome, the direction of home is blurred and placed in his heart
這裡很方便 其實每方面 衣食住行and育樂絲毫不遜色
It's very convenient here, in every aspect, food, clothing, housing, transportation, and entertainment are not inferior in any way
除了雲的顏色比較常是黑的 還有那些圈子比較多的hater
Except that the color of the clouds is usually black, and there are more haters with more circles
習慣了咖啡的味道 早上才睡覺 新朋友的圍繞新的生活
Getting used to the taste of coffee, sleeping in the morning, surrounded by new friends, a new life
但他依舊喜歡古早味的香料 沒捲舌的腔調他們笑他叫他講繞口令
But he still likes the old-fashioned spices, the untongued accent. They laugh at him and ask him to speak tongue twisters
他想要 回到令他懷念的地方 他想要重溫那些人事物的出現
He wants to go back to the place he misses. He wants to relive the appearance of those people and things
但他不知道他將要 或將會面對熟悉或改變儘管適應能力老練
But he doesn't know that he will or will face the familiar or the change, even though his adaptability is skilled
那心情 那心情沒法像是點水蜻蜓 他發現 那精靈在每個人的心靈
That feeling, that feeling cannot be like a water-walking dragonfly. He finds that the spirit is in everyone's heart
都藏了一份沒改版的地圖 經過鹿港小鎮 通往當年的幸福
They all hide an unrevised map that passes through the small town of Lukang and leads to the happiness of the past
不斷地走 他不斷地找 印象中的路口 車不那麼吵
He keeps walking, he keeps looking for the intersection in his memory, where the cars are not so noisy
他離開的戶口 父母不斷地老 他不斷地走 他不斷地找
The household registration he left, the parents keep getting older, he keeps walking, he keeps looking for
尋找令人懷念的飯菜 尋找令人平靜的狀態
Looking for nostalgic food, looking for a peaceful state
他的路 等待超越的障礙 家的方向模糊了放在心裡
His path, waiting for the obstacles to be overcome, the direction of home is blurred and placed in his heart
不斷地走 他不斷地找 沒回家的藉口 聽來沒那麼好
He keeps walking, he keeps looking for, no excuses for not going home, it doesn't sound so good
他的心裡怒吼 音訊不斷地少 他不斷地走 他不斷地 不斷地
His heart roars, the news keeps getting less and less, he keeps walking, he keeps on, on and on
等待讓人溫暖的灌溉 抵抗讓人心寒的挫敗
Waiting for the warmth of watering, resisting the discouragement of setbacks
他的路 等待超越的障礙 家的方向模糊了忘在心裡
His path, waiting for the obstacles to be overcome, the direction of home is blurred and forgotten in his heart

Writer(s): Zhen Xi Duo

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