蛋堡Soft Lipa - 仇人的孩子 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 蛋堡Soft Lipa - 仇人的孩子

Child of sworn enemies
他是兩個仇人生的孩子 兩個仇人怎會生了孩子?
He is the child of two sworn enemies, How can two sworn enemies bear a child?
誰會想到故事當初 充滿祝福的'我願意'這台詞
Who would have thought that the story at the beginning, the blessing-filled 'I do' the line
But it's the beginning of men and women becoming enemies.
他在眾所矚目之中被生下 背負著家中長孫的身價
He was born in the limelight, bearing the value of the eldest grandson in the family.
而一個家族裡不只一個家 一股壓力悶著 能感覺什麼在增加
And there is more than one family in a clan, a pressure stifles him. He can feel what is increasing.
關於兄弟 父與子 娘家和婆媳
About brothers, fathers and sons, maiden families and daughters-in-law.
什麼省籍 什麼分配 他不懂邏輯
What is origin? What is distribution? He does not understand logic.
但早就學會作戲不讓面子拖地 也早就認識眼淚和碎玻璃
But he has long learned to act so that his face does not drag on the ground, and he has long known tears and broken glass.
那些利害關係 其實也聽不明白 但他知道自己沒法置身事外
Those vested interests, in fact, he also can't understand, but he knows that he can't stay out of it.
爭吵之中總會提起他的名字 雖然他們總說不關他的事
His name will always be mentioned in the quarrel, although they always say it has nothing to do with him.
躲在電視裡 漸漸變自閉
Hiding in the TV, gradually becoming autistic.
冷眼看自己 像台監視器
Looking at himself with cold eyes, like a surveillance camera.
看著 撕裂和修復 他看著(他看著) 鮮血和羞辱
Watching, tearing and repairing, he watches (he watches) blood and humiliation.
The child of sworn enemies asked for no one's help.
看著 頭髮和心 都被揪住
Watching, hair and heart, all grabbed.
電視裡 是瓊瑤改編的寂寞 那總是女人的寄託
On the TV is a lonely adaptation of Qiong Yao, which is always a woman's sustenance.
而電視外的赤裸 戲裡從來沒提過 他總是邊聽邊寫習作
And the nudity outside the TV, never mentioned in the play, he always listens while writing his exercises.
Outside the room are their curses and roars.
他聽到什麼 '賭掉... 就叫你不要玩股票!!!'
What did he hear? 'Bet it... Just tell you not to play stocks!!!'
也聽到什麼 誰才為了這個家
I also heard what, who is for this family
聽著許多矛盾 他苦笑 永遠分不清真假
I listened to many contradictions. He smiled bitterly, never able to tell the truth from the false.
女人告訴他 '長大千萬別像你那死爹' '他會丟下一切讓你自生自滅'
The woman told him, 'When you grow up, don't be like your dead father. 'He'll drop everything and let you fend for yourself.'
大罵男人窩囊廢 否定男人事業
Scolding the man for being a loser, negating the man's career
他看著美麗的臉 被醜陋的話撕裂
He watched the beautiful face torn apart by ugly words.
男人也告訴他 '記住以後絕對絕對不要相信女人, 不管她有多漂亮!'
The man also told him, 'Remember, never, never trust women, no matter how beautiful they are!'
像是植入了恨意在他心底層 後來 他的戀情都像在較量
As if hatred had been instilled deep in his heart, his love affairs later became contests.
漫漫長夜將盡 男人女人各有各的祕密 他不知道誰能相信
The long night is coming to an end. Men and women have their own secrets. He doesn't know who to believe.
他們背對背走遠 直到不知去向
They walked away back to back until they disappeared.
他不能審判誰 只想對自己舉槍
He couldn't judge anyone, he just wanted to shoot himself.
躲在電視裡 漸漸變自閉
Hiding in the TV, gradually becoming autistic.
冷眼看自己 像台監視器
Looking at himself with cold eyes, like a surveillance camera.
看著 撕裂和修復 他看著 鮮血和羞辱
Watching, tearing and repairing, he watches blood and humiliation.
The child of sworn enemies asked for no one's help.
看著 頭髮和心 都被揪住
Watching, hair and heart, all grabbed.
他們總說 '有天你會懂!' 但他還是不懂像還活在不懂的那天
They always say, 'One day you will understand! 'But he still doesn't understand, as if he is still living in that day when he didn't understand.
他也不懂他該往哪邊 清楚的住址 但模糊的家是哪間
He doesn't understand where he should go, a clear address, but a vague home where is it.
鎖還沒解開 心還困在房間裡 用力畫著愛裂開 直到磨平了鉛筆
The lock has not been unlocked. His heart is still trapped in the room. He painted the cracks of love with force until the pencil was ground flat.
筆跡透了過去到現在 他害怕戀愛 覺得任何交集都是互相欠債
The handwriting penetrated from the past to the present. He was afraid of love. He felt that any intersection was a debt to each other.
誰的對錯 誰也不敢面對那是誰的脆弱
Whose right or wrong, no one dares to face whose weakness it is.
誰留誰走誰又歸咎誰的揮霍 他覺得他的存在是該賠的罪過
Who stays, who leaves, who blames whose waste? He feels that his existence is a sin that should be compensated.
最後 讓自己墜落
Finally, let himself fall.
躲在電視裡 漸漸變自閉
Hiding in the TV, gradually becoming autistic.
冷眼看自己 像台監視器
Looking at himself with cold eyes, like a surveillance camera.
看著 撕裂和修復 他看著 鮮血和羞辱
Watching, tearing and repairing, he watches blood and humiliation.
The child of sworn enemies asked for no one's help.
看著 頭髮和心 都被揪住
Watching, hair and heart, all grabbed.
躲在電視裡 漸漸變自閉
Hiding in the TV, gradually becoming autistic.
冷眼看自己 像台監視器
Looking at himself with cold eyes, like a surveillance camera.
看著 撕裂和修復 他看著 鮮血和羞辱
Watching, tearing and repairing, he watches blood and humiliation.
The child of sworn enemies asked for no one's help.
看著 頭髮和心 都被揪住
Watching, hair and heart, all grabbed.
躲在電視裡 漸漸變自閉
Hiding in the TV, gradually becoming autistic.
冷眼看自己 像台監視器
Looking at himself with cold eyes, like a surveillance camera.
撕裂和修復 鮮血和羞辱
Tearing and repairing, blood and humiliation.
The child of sworn enemies asked for no one's help.
看著 頭髮和心 都被揪住
Watching, hair and heart, all grabbed.

Writer(s): Zhen Xi Du

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