蛋堡Soft Lipa - 綁架我 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 蛋堡Soft Lipa - 綁架我

Kidnap Me
他們綁架我 用他們的成見
They kidnapped me with their preconceptions
綁架我 用他們的懷疑
Kidnapped me with their suspicions
綁架我 用他們的流言
Kidnapped me with their rumors
綁架我 怎樣就是不願放下我
Kidnapping me, how come they're unwilling to let me go
I've also been kidnapped by my own obsessions
I've also been kidnapped by my emotions
I've also been kidnapped by this game
Who can shield me from this
計畫和行程 逼我走向下一個城市
Plans and schedules force me towards the next city
期待和掌聲 逼我走向下一個層次
Expectations and applause coerce me towards the next level
這陣子 在生活中像一個人質
During this time, I've been like a hostage in life
But I've never received official confirmation
目擊者的證詞 也四處流傳著
Eyewitness testimonies are also spreading everywhere
沒有本事 出點差錯就完了
Without the ability, if I make a mistake, it's over
我試著鎮定但反而 亂了思緒更忐忑
I try to remain calm but conversely, my thoughts become more chaotic and anxious
Always turning back and forth in the night
想的 有時是抱怨 有時候轉圈
Sometimes thinking with complaints, sometimes circling around
有時像在飛 又有時候喊冤
Sometimes feeling like flying, and other times crying out grievances
這感覺 不管喜歡不喜歡
This feeling, regardless of whether I like it or not
For a good period of time, I couldn't get used to it
綁架我的style 被跟隨者跟隨著
Kidnapping my style, being followed by followers
綁架我的life 被音樂摧毀了
Kidnapping my life, being destroyed by music
24小時的肉票 就連陌生人也綁架我的笑
A 24-hour hostage, even strangers kidnap my laughter
你們綁架我 用你們的眼神
You kidnapped me with your gazes
綁架我 用你們的指點
Kidnapped me with your guidance
綁架我 用你們的喜好
Kidnapped me with your preferences
綁架我 怎樣就是不願放下我
Kidnapping me, how come you're unwilling to let me go
I've also been kidnapped by my smoke
I've also been kidnapped by my laziness
I've also been kidnapped by this atmosphere
那就綁架我 把我關在你的音響
Then kidnap me, lock me up in your sound system
逼問我 讓我訓練你的聽講
Interrogate me, let me train your listening skills
點了火 氣氛吸入你的胸腔
Light the fire, the atmosphere seeps into your chest
按下'play' hip hop就在你的後車箱
Press 'play', hip hop reverberates in your trunk
挾持我跟生活交戰 拿我跟快樂交換
Hold me hostage and battle life, trade me for happiness
輪流看管 夜裡擊掌交班
Take turns guarding, exchanging handshakes on night patrol
讓我在 當你跟其他人交歡
In your presence when you're intimate with others
Let me perform my magic for you
Then you'll realize how cool this is
原本 這是擄人 這是勒贖
Originally, this was kidnapping, this was extortion
現在變成 我是主人 你是歌奴
Now it's become, I'm the master, you're the music slave
不用遮住 你的臉和你的名字
No need to hide, your face and your name
舒服是我歌路 可以安心行駛
Comfort is my musical path, you can drive with ease
打個分數 我是最棒的人質
Give me a score, I'm the best hostage
No one is more suitable than me
那就綁架我 用你們的關注
Then kidnap me with your attention
綁架我 用熱烈的歡呼
Kidnap me with fervent cheers
綁架我 用我們的默契
Kidnap me with our tacit understanding
綁架我 怎樣就是不要放下我
Kidnapping me, how come you just don't want to let me go
I've also been kidnapped by my smoke
I've also been kidnapped by my laziness
I've also been kidnapped by this atmosphere
Hip hop把我綁架了
Hip hop has kidnapped me
那就綁架我 讓我再給你點題示
Then kidnap me, let me give you a few more hints
Hijack the last seat at my concert
仰望我 讓我們救贖彼此
Look up to me, let's redeem each other
一直跟著節奏 口供一致
Follow the rhythm, our testimonies in unison
去蓋過 這個世界你討厭的聲音太多
To drown out, the world's excessive noise that you despise
Don't let them harm me with their logic
Let us be freed from the constraints
離開後 裝上了翅膀
After leaving, wings will be bestowed upon you
成為soul survivors
Becoming soul survivors

Writer(s): ZHEN XI DU

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