血肉果汁機 - 出巡 - traduction des paroles en anglais

出巡 - 血肉果汁機traduction en anglais

Roaming around
Let's get going
報馬仔 擔扁擔 吊豬肉 裝紅線
The newsboy is carrying a load, hanging up pork and giving out red strings
好消息 媽祖娘娘到了
Good news, Mazu Niang Niang is here
眾生臉上 帶著笑容
Everyone's beaming
日頭炎炎 迎面涼風清爽
The sun is blazing but a cool breeze blows
八家將 七星步 官將首 三步贊
Eight Generals, Seven Star Steps, Officer Generals, Three Step Cheers
濟公 土地公 七爺八爺 神童仔 北管 文轎 武轎
Ji Gong, Land God, Seventh Lord and Eighth Lord, Child God, Beiguan, civilian sedan, military sedan
Even the sun comes out to join the fun
陣頭先開路(借過喔)氣勢很澎湃 踏一個先鋒
The procession starts (excuse me) with great fanfare, leading the way
放炮仔 電子花車金光閃閃 一台兩台三台四台 每台都拼卡拉OK
Fireworks and electronic floats shining brightly, one, two, three, four of them, each one full of karaoke
電音三太子也來拼舞 一仙兩仙三仙四仙 氣氛愈來愈熱鬧
Electronic Third Prince joins in the dance, one, two, three, four of them, the atmosphere heats up
手筆化 腳抬高
Hands moving high and feet off the ground
搖搖擺擺 嘴碎碎唸眼睛瞇瞇
Swaying to the beat, murmuring, eyes squinting
炮仔放 煙霧霧
Fireworks popping, smoke billowing
乩童跳乩 神明上身 來囉 發駕
Tong dancing, gods possessing, now, start the procession
三太子來了有什麼代誌想要請示 但是現在嘴乾 茶先遞來 等會兒再問
Third Prince arrives with blessings to bestow, but wait, my throat's dry, pour me some tea and then we'll talk
風調雨順 士農工商都發財
Good weather, good fortune, good luck to all in business
Peace, safety, and harmony for all in Taiwan
看穿山 聽過海
Scanning the hills, listening to the sea
千里眼 順風耳
Thousand-Mile Eyes and All-Hearing Ears, please
一位看天堂 一位聽地獄
One looks to heaven, one listens to hell
妖魔鬼怪 都閃不過他們的眼耳
No demon or monster escapes their watchful eyes and ears
Blue sky, white clouds
Holy Mother shows her true self
厝內平安 子孫健康快樂 還有一個事業賺大錢阿
Peace at home, children healthy and happy, and a business that makes big money
拿出你的氣魄 大膽給他走下去
Summon your courage, be brave and keep going
The gods will always bless us, let's work even harder

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