血肉果汁機 - 新世界革命 - traduction des paroles en anglais

Paroles et traduction 血肉果汁機 - 新世界革命

New World Revolution
HELL YEAH 動起來吧我的朋友 別在那裡害羞
HELL YEAH Get up my friend Don't be shy there
這是你們的時代 這是你們的TIME
This is your time This is your TIME
I feel like there are too many misunderstandings between you and me
But it doesn't matter that was in the past
你看我不爽要知道我也看你不爽 你可以哭爸哭母 (管好你自己啦)
You don't like me and I don't like you You can cry (Take care of yourself)
World War III is coming
因為恁去被奴隸太久 副作用太深
Because you have been enslaved for too long The side effects are too deep
I hope you guys can PROMISE ME
別去傷害別人 也別傷害自己
Don't hurt others or yourself.
這樣對你也好 對這裡都好 你說這樣好嗎
It's good for you and for here You said it's good
會信的就有理 不信的別理他
Be reasonable Don't care about the unbelievers
別去理會別人 你要做你自己
Don't care about others You have to be yourself
Hell 我知道你們很痛苦 你們希望改變
Hell I know you are in pain You want to change
But nothing has happened
我們要團結 我們要用行動去證明
We have to unite We have to prove it with actions
Our will will crush everything
Yeah 我超級好
Yeah I'm awesome
A great time has come
When will and faith are combined so perfectly
God will not refuse you
你若準備好 就給他大聲喊出來
If you are ready Shout it out loud
"我好了" 把信心傳給需要的人
"I'm ready" Pass on the faith to those who need it
We don't have their wisdom
我們沒有他們的科技 但是我們有思考我們就在
We don't have their technology But we have thinking we are here
要有感恩的心 吃水果拜樹頭
Be grateful Eat fruit worship the trees
Home always takes care of us like children
厝養你長大 厝讓你平安
Home raises you up Home keeps you safe
Home is as great as parents
厝在我們心中 厝有我們很幸福 厝讓我們勇敢前行
Home is in our hearts Home makes us happy Home makes us brave
血肉果汁機阿 萬歲萬歲萬萬歲
Blood Juice Machine Long live long live long live
你明年會賺大錢 後年會做副總統 一切的一切都是因為因為你信
You will make a lot of money next year and be vice president the year after that Everything is because you believe
血肉果汁機阿 萬歲萬歲萬萬歲
Blood Juice Machine Long live long live long live
If one day we sacrifice because of failure
嘴砲的人笑我們笨 但是我們會活在歷史中
The mouth cannon people laugh at us as fools But we will live in history
When you have the courage to go your own way
走路都有風 不會丟臉又怕別人說
You will be proud of yourself Not embarrassed and afraid of what others say
加入吧 My children
Join My children
行動吧 My 朋友
Go My friends
放心去顛覆(創造) 相信是力量
Go ahead and subvert (create) Believe is power
知道自己不會變壞 打拼未來
Know that you will not go bad Fight for the future

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